6 Seasons and Weather: Supplemental Guide | Introduction
Anchor Focus in Seasons and Weather
This chart highlights several Common Core State Standards as well as
relevant academic language associated with the activities in this domain.
Anchor Focus CCSS Description of Focus and Relevant Academic Language
Writing W.K.2 My Four Seasons Coloring Book: Informational text:
draw, dictate, share, characteristics of [name of season]
W.K.7 Class Weather Diary: Shared research project:
chart, observations, record, track, patterns
W.K.8 Seasons Comparison Chart:
draw, cut, paste, unique characteristics, activities, holidays
Speaking and Listening SL.K.2 Ask questions to clarify information about the read-aloud:
I have a question about... , I do not understand... , What
does mean?
SL.K.3 Ask questions to clarify directions, exercises, and/or classroom
Several activities in this domain require students to follow multi-step
instructions (e.g., Class Weather Diary; Seasons Comparison Chart;
Cycle of the Seasons). For activities that are more involved, be sure
that students are following along and that they have a way to ask
questions when they do not understand the directions.
Language L.K.1d Understand and use question words (e.g., who, what, when, where,
why, how)
Domain Components
Along with this Supplemental Guide, you will need:
- Tell It Again! Media Disk or the Tell It Again! Flip Book* for Seasons
and Weather - Tell It Again! Image Cards for Seasons and Weather
- Tell It Again! Read-Aloud Anthology for Seasons and Weather for
*The Tell It Again! Multiple Meaning Word Posters for Seasons and
Weather are found at the back of the Tell It Again! Flip Book
Recommended Resources: - Core Knowledge Kindergarten Teacher Handbook, edited by E. D.
Hirsch, Jr. and Souzanne A. Wright (Core Knowledge Foundation,
2004) ISBN: 978-1890517694