Knit Now - UK (2021-01)

(Antfer) #1


With A and using smaller needles, cast
on 96 sts. Join to work in the round, being
careful not to twist. Pm for beg of rnd.
Rnds 1-30: P2, k1; rep from to end.
Change to larger needles.
Rnd 31: Knit.
Rnds 32-33: With B, *k2, sl1; rep from

  • to end.
    Rnds 34-35: With A, *[sl1, k2] 3 times,
    sl1, k3, [sl1, k2] 3 times, sl1, k1; rep from

  • to end.
    Rnds 36-37: With B, k1, sl1, [k2, sl1] 3
    times, k1, sl1, [k2, sl1] 3 times, k2; rep
    to end.
    Rnds 38-39: With A, k2, sl1; rep from
    to end.
    Rnds 40-41: With B, [sl1, k2] 3 times, sl1, k3,
    [sl1, k2] 3 times, sl1, k1; rep from
    to end.
    Rnds 42-43: With A, k1, sl1, [k2, sl1] 3
    times, k1, sl1, [k2, sl1] 3 times, k2; rep
    to end.
    Rnds 44-55: Rep rnds 32-43 once more.
    Rnds 56-57: With B, [sl1, k2]
    3 times, sl1, k3, [sl1, k2]
    3 times, sl1, k1; rep from
    to end.
    Rnds 58-59: With A, k2, sl1; rep from
    to end.
    Rnds 60-61: With B, *k1, sl1, [k2, sl1] 3

times, k1, sl1, [k2, sl1] 3 times, k2; rep
from * to end.
Rnds 62-63: With A, *[sl1, k2] 3 times, sl1, k3,
[sl1, k2] 3 times, sl1, k1; rep from * to end.
Rnds 64-65: With B, *k2, sl1; rep from
* to end.
Rnds 66-67: With A, *k1, sl1, [k2, sl1] 3
times, k1, sl1, [k2, sl1] 3 times, k2; rep
from * to end.
Rnds 68-79: Rep rnds 56-67 once more.
Continue with A only.
Rnds 80-81: Knit.
Rnd 82: *K2, k2tog; rep from * to end.
72 sts
Rnds 83-84: Knit.
Rnd 85: *K1, k2tog; rep from * to end.
48 sts
Rnds 86-87: Knit.
Rnd 88: *K2tog; rep from * to end. 24 sts
Rnd 89: Knit.
Rnd 90: *K2tog; rep from * to end. 12 sts
Break yarn, thread through rem
sts and pull tight to close.

Weave in ends. Hand-wash, dry flat
and block to measurements.
Attach pompom if desired.

Here’s a fast and easy way to knit a two-coloured hat – you’ll be

amazed how quickly it grows once you get into the groove!

1 Knit establishing
rnds in A. Join
B and knit to
colour change.

2 Slip A stitches
(as directed in
pattern) p-wise
from LH to RH
needle, holding
yarn in back.

3 Knit sts in
B as directed
in pattern.
Repeat steps
2-3 as directed
in pattern.

Mosiac knitting

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