Knit Now - UK (2021-01)

(Antfer) #1
Next Rnd (dec): K1, k2tog,
k to last 3 sts, ssk, k1. 2
sts dec’d
Work 7 (4, 3, -, 2, -) rnds even.
Rep dec rnd.
Rep the last 8 (5, 4, -, 3, -) rnds
8 (11, 14, -, 15, -) more times.
50 (52, 54, -, 60, -) sts

Next Rnd (dec): K1, k2tog,
k to last 3 sts, ssk, k1.
2 sts dec’d
Work - (-, -, 2, -, 1) rnds even.
Rep dec rnd.
Work - (-, -, 3, -, 2) rnds even.
Rep these - (-, -, 7, -, 5) rnds - (-, -,
13, -, 15) more times. - (-, -, 60, -,
64) sts
Rep dec rnd once more. - (-, -, 58,
-, 62) sts

Work even until Sleeve measures
26 (24, 23, 21, 19, 18) cm.
Change to smaller DPNs.
Rnd 1: Knit.
Rnd 2: Purl.
Rep these 2 rnds once more.
Change back to larger DPNs and
cast off.

Block to measurements
given in table and weave in
all ends.

Divide for sleeves
Note: Remove markers other
than beg of rnd marker as you
come to them.
Next Rnd: K45 (49, 53, 58, 63,
69), place the next 62 (70, 76,
80, 82, 84) sts on hold for first
Sleeve, use the backward loop
method to cast on 6 (6, 8, 8,
10, 12) sts, k90 (98, 106, 116,
126, 138) for Front, place the
next 62 (70, 76, 80, 82, 84) sts
on hold, use the backward loop
method to cast on 6 (6, 8, 8,
10, 12) sts, k to end. 192 (208,
228, 248, 272, 300) sts

Lower Body
Work even until Body measures
32cm from divide.
Change to smaller circular needles.
Rnd 1: Knit.
Rnd 2: Purl.
Rep these 2 rnds once more.
Change back to larger circular
needles and cast off.

Work both the same
Return held 62 (70, 76, 80, 82, 84)
sts to larger DPNs. With RS facing
pu and k6 (6, 8, 8, 10, 12) sts sts
from underarm, k62 (70, 76, 80,
82, 84) sts, join to work in the rnd,
k3 (3, 4, 4, 5, 6), pm for beg of rnd.
68 (76, 84, 88, 92, 96) sts
Work 5 rnds even.

Pattern A

Pattern B


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