Knit Now - UK (2021-01)

(Antfer) #1
Next Rnd: K4, m1, [k7 (8, 7, 0,
7), m1] 12 (7, 6, 0, 14) times,
[k7, m1, k8, m1] 3 (8, 11, 19,
7) times, [k7 (8, 7, 7, 7), m1]
13 (8, 7, 1, 15) times, k4.
260 (280, 300, 340, 360) sts

Work chart
Repeating only the 20-st repeat
of Chart 13 (14, 15, 17, 18)
times around, work Manderston
Chart once in full.
Break CC and cont in MC only.
Next Rnd: Knit.
Next Rnd: K3, k2tog, [k6 (7, 6,
0, 6), k2tog] 12 (7, 6, 0, 14)
times, [k6, k2tog, k7, k2tog] 3
(8, 11, 19, 7) times, [k6 (7, 6,
6, 6), k2tog] 13 (8, 7, 1, 15)
times, k4. 228 (248, 264, 300,
316) sts

Yo k e
With RS facing, k52 (56, 60, 68,
72) sts for Left back, sl next 10
(12, 12, 14, 14) sts onto holder for
underarm, pm, k across 68 (70,
74, 76, 80) sts from first Sleeve
holder, pm, k104 (112, 120, 136,
144) sts for front, sl next 10 (12,

12, 14, 14) sts onto holder for
underarm, pm, k across 68 (70,
74, 76, 80) sts from second
Sleeve holder, pm, k52 (56, 60,
68, 72) sts for Right back. 344
(364, 388, 424, 448) sts
Next Rnd: Knit, slipping
When shaping the yoke, change
to DPNs when necessary due to
the reduced number of sts.

Next Rnd (body & sleeve dec):
[K to 3 sts before marker,
k2tog, k1, sm, k1, ssk] 4
times, k to end. 8 sts dec’d
Next Rnd (body dec): [K to 3 sts
before marker, k2tog, k1, sm,
k to next marker, sm, k1, ssk]
twice, k to end. 4 sts dec’d
Rep last rnd twice more.
Rep last 4 rnds - (0, 1, 4, 4) more
times. - (344, 348, 324, 348) sts

Next Rnd (body & sleeve dec):
[K to 3 sts before marker,
k2tog, k1, sm, k1, ssk] 4
times, k to end. 8 sts dec’d

Your guide to... Kitchener Stitch

Step 1: Divide sts evenly between two
needles. Cut yarn, leaving a long tail and
thread onto a darning needle (DN). Insert
DN k-wise into first st on front needle
and pull yarn through.

Step 4: Insert CN p-wise into next st on
front needle and pull the yarn through.

Step 3: Insert DN k-wise into first st on
front needle and slip the st off needle.

Step 6: Insert CN k-wise into next st on
front needle and pull the yarn through. Rep
steps 3-6 until all sts have been worked.

Step 2: Insert DN p-wise into first st on
back needle and pull yarn through.

Step 5: Insert CN p-wise into first st on
back needle and slip the st off needle.
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