Knit Now - UK (2021-01)

(Antfer) #1

We caught up with Susan Crawford to explore her beautiful new

book Evolution and the personal tale behind the designs

Hi Susan! What are you up to?
It’s a particularly exciting week as I took
delivery of the Evolution books that now have
to be packed up and sent all over the world.
In addition to creating the designs in the
collection I also publish and distribute the
books myself so the entire process
other than the physical printing takes
place in-house.

Congratulations on Evolution! What
inspired you to write it?
I had been carrying some of the design
concepts in my head for some considerable
time and finally at the beginning of the year
I realised that I had the time to commence
working on the ideas. Indeed, the idea of

revisiting some of the design details from
vintage patterns I had previously recreated
was something I had long wanted to explore
but hadn’t been free to do so before.

As well as being a book of gorgeous
knitting patterns, it includes a very
personal story about yourself. What made
you want to unite these subjects?
After my diagnosis with stage three breast
cancer in 2016 I had to have a double
mastectomy and due to the treatments that
followed I was not able to have immediate
reconstruction. It has transpired since that
it is harder to access delayed reconstruction
of the sort my post-surgery body is suitable
for than I was aware of, and I found myself



The story of

Evolution by Susan Crawford, £25 from
Free download pdf