Knit Now - UK (2021-01)

(Antfer) #1


Rib Rnd: *K1 tbl, p1; rep from *
to end.
Rep this rnd 11 more times or
until work measures 3cm.

Repeating sts 4 times around
and making sure to work correct
patt for your size, work 40 (48,
56) rows of Lace pattern from
chart or written instructions to
complete patt twice in full.
Remove marker.

Heel Flap
The heel flap is worked back and
forth in rows over the first 28 (32,

Rnd 9: K4, yo, ssk, k2, p2, k2,
k2tog, yo, k4.
Rnd 10: K8, p2, k8.
Rnd 11: K5, yo, ssk, k1, p2, k1,
k2tog, yo, k5.
Rnd 12: As Rnd 10.
Rnd 13: K6, yo, ssk, p2, k2tog,
yo, k6.
Rnds 14-16: As Rnd 10.
Rnd 17: K6, k2tog, yo, p2, yo,
ssk, k6.
Rnd 18: As Rnd 10.
Rnd 19: K5, k2tog, yo, k1, p2,
k1, yo, ssk, k5.
Rnd 20: As Rnd 10.
Rnd 21: K4, k2tog, yo, k2, p2,
k2, yo, ssk, k4.
Rnd 22: As Rnd 10.
Rnd 23: K3, k2tog, yo, k3tog, yo,
p2, yo, sssk, yo, ssk, k3. 16 sts
Rnd 24: K4, p1, k1, yo, k1, p2,
k1, yo, k1, p1, k4. 18 sts
Rnd 25: K2, k2tog, yo, p1, k3,
p2, k3, p1, yo, ssk, k2.
Rnd 26: [K3, p2] 3 times, k3.
Rnd 27: K1, k2tog, yo, p2, k3tog,
yo, p2, yo, sssk, p2, yo, ssk,
k1. 16 sts
Rnd 28: K2, p3, k1, yo, k1, p2,
k1, yo, k1, p3, k2. 18 sts
Rep these 28 rnds for patt.

Start knitting...

Cast on 56 (64, 72) sts. Join to
work in the rnd, being careful not
to twist. Pm to mark beg of rnd.

36) sts. Leave rem 28 (32, 36)
sts on hold for instep.
Row 1 (RS): Sl 1, [p1, k1 tbl] 13
(15, 17) times, k1.
Row 2: Sl 1, [p1 tbl, k1] 13 (15,
17) times, p1.
Rep rows 1-2 a further 12 (13,
14) times.

Heel Turn
Row 1 (RS): Sl 1, k14 (16, 18),
k2tog, k1. 27 (31, 35) sts
Row 2: Sl 1, p3, p2tog, p1.
26 (30, 34) sts
Row 3: Sl 1, k to 1 st before gap,
k2tog, k1. 1 st dec’d
Row 4: Sl 1, p to 1 st before gap,
p2tog, p1. 1 st dec’d
Rep rows 3-4 a further 4 (5, 6)
times. 16 (18, 20) heel sts

Resume working in the rnd on
all sts.
Set-up Rnd 1: K8 (9, 10), pm
for new beg of rnd, k8 (9, 10),
pu and k13 (14, 15) sts down
side of heel flap, pu and k1 st
from corner of heel flap, pm,
[work Row 1 of Lace patt for
your size] twice, pm, pu and k1
st from corner of heel flap, pu
and k13 (14, 15) up second
side of heel flap, k to end. 72
(80, 88) sts
Set-up Rnd 2: K8 (9, 10),
[k1 tbl] 14 (15, 16) times, sm,
work in patt to next marker, sm,

[k1 tbl] 14 (15, 16) times, k
to end.
Rnd 1 (dec): K to 3 sts before
marker, k2tog, k1, sm, work
in patt to next marker, sm, k1,
ssk, k to end. 2 sts dec’d
Rnd 2: K to marker, sm, work
in patt to next marker, sm,
k to end.
Rep these 2 rnds 7 more times.
56 (64, 72) sts

Cont in Lace patt and St st
as set until foot measures 4 (5,
5.5) cm shorter than desired
length, ending after any rnd
WITHOUT yarnovers.

To e
Rnd 1 (dec): [K to 3 sts
before marker, k2tog, k1, sm,
k1, ssk] twice, k to end.
4 sts dec’d
Rnd 2: Knit.
Rep these 2 rnds 6 (7, 8) more
times. 28 (32, 36) sts
Rep Rnd 1 only 3 (4, 5) more
times. 16 sts
Next Rnd (partial rnd): Rm, k4.
Break yarn leaving a 30cm tail.

Graft heel and instep sts tog
using Kitchener stitch. Block to
measurements given in schematic
and weave in all ends.

You can find the yarn to knit this pattern in yarn
shops nationwide. Now more than ever, small shops
need our support, so visit the UKHKA website to find
your nearest shop. Even if you can’t visit them in
person, many shops now offer telephone and internet

Size L Size M Size S


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