Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

d6 I became a rogue because ...
rather than direct confrontation.

6 Irisking life and limb. ’m a sucker for a shiny bauble or a sack of coins, as long as I can get my hands on it without


d6 I became a sorcerer because ...


When I was born, all the water in the house froze solid, the milk spoiled, or all the iron turned
to copper. My family is convinced that this event was a harbinger of stranger things to come
for me.

2 I suffered a terrible emotional or physical strain, which brought forth my latentpower. I have fought to control it ever since. magical


My immediate family never spoke of my ancestors, and when I asked, they would change
the subject. It wasn’t until I started displaying strange talents that the full truth of my heritage
came out.

4 When a monster threatened one of my friends, I became filled with anxiety. I lashedinstinctively and blasted the wretched thing with a force that came from within me. out

5 Sensing something special in me, a stranger taught me how to control my gift.

6 After I escaped from a magical conflagration, I realized that though not unchanged. I began to exhibit unusual abilities that I am just beginninI was unharmed, I was g to understand.


d6 I became a warlock because ...

1 While wandering around in a forbidden place, I encountered an otherworldly being thatoffered to enter into a pact with me.^

2 I was examining a strange tome I found in an abandoned library when the entitybecome my patron suddenly appeared before me. that would

3 I stumbled into the clutches of my patron after I accidentally stepped through a madoorway. gical

4 When I was faced with a terrible crisis, I prayed to any being who would listen,creature that answered became my patron. and the

5 My future patron visited me in my dreams and offered great power in exchange for my service.

6 One of my ancestors had a pact with my patron, so that entity was determined to bindthe same agreement. me to


d6 I became a wizard because ...
1 An old wizard chose me from among several candidates to serve an apprenticeship.

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