Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

Mountain Encounters

Mountain Encounters (Levels 1–4)

d100 Encounter
01 – 02 1 eagle
03 – 05 1d3 swarms of bats
06 – 08 1d6 goats
09 – 11 1d10 + 5 tribal warriors
12 – 14 1d6 + 3 pteranodons
15 – 17 1d8 + 1 winged kobolds
18 – 20 1 lion

21 – 24 Stairs chiseled into the side of the mountain that climb 3d20 + 40 feet beforabruptly e ending

25 – 27 2d10 stirges
28 – 30 2d4 aarakocra
31 – 33 2d6 dwarf soldiers (guards) with 1d6 mules laden with iron ore
34 – 36 1 giant eagle
37 – 38 A small shrine dedicated to a lawful neutral god, perched on a stone outcropping
39 – 41 2d8 + 1 blood hawks
42 – 44 1 giant goat
45 – 47 3d4 kobolds
48 – 50 1 half-ogre
51 – 53 1 berserker
54 – 55 1 orog
56 1 hell hound
57 1 druid
58 – 59 1 peryton
60 – 61 1d2 hippogriffs
62 1 manticore
63 – 64 1d6 + 2 scouts

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