Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

d100 Encounter
80 1 fomorian or 1d3 cyclopes
81 1d4 earth elementals
82 3d6 ogres
83 1d4 + 1 chuuls
84 1d10 hell hounds
85 1d3 drow elite warriors
86 1d4 chimeras
87 1d4 salamanders
88 1 cloaker
89 2d4 wights
90 1d4 driders
91 1 fire giant
92 1 grick alpha with 2d4 gricks
93 1 mind flayer arcanist
94 1d4 drow mages
95 1 spirit naga
96 1d4 mind flayers
97 1 behir
98 1 aboleth
99 1 dao or 1 stone giant
00 1 beholder

Underdark Encounters (Levels 11–16)

d100 Encounter
01 – 02 3d6 carrion crawlers
03 – 04 1d6 + 1 gelatinous cubes
05 – 06 1d8 + 2 gibbering mouthers
07 – 08 2d8 minotaur skeletons
09 – 10 2d6 ochre jellies
11 – 12 2d4 doppelgangers
13 – 14 1d4 quaggoth thonots with 1d10 + 2 quaggoths
15 – 16 1d3 ropers
17 – 18 3d6 gargoyles
19 – 20 1d10 mimics
21 – 25 A 100-foot-long ravine, 4d10 feet wide and 5d20 + 200 feet deep

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