Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

Level and Threat. A complex trap uses the same level and severity designations that a simple
trap does.

Trigger. Just like a simple trap, a complex trap has a trigger. Some complex traps have multiple

Initiative. A complex trap takes turns as a creature does, because it functions over a period of
time. This part of a trap’s description tells whether the trap is slow (acts on initiative count 10),
fast (acts on initiative count 20), or very fast (acts on initiative count 20 and also initiative count
10). A trap always acts after creatures that have the same initiative count.

Active Elements. On a trap’s turn, it produces specific effects that are detailed in this part of its
description. The trap might have multiple active elements, a table you roll on to determine its
effect at random, or options for you to choose from.

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