Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

d6 Effect

5 Smoke fills the room. Visibility is reduced to 1 foot until the nextactivates. time the Tempest element

6 Poison floods the room, forcing creatures to make saving throws as for the Poison Gas element.

Dynamic Element. The longer the poison gas remains in the room, the more lethal it becomes.

Increased Potency. The damage from the Poison Gas element increases by 11 (2d10) each round
after it activates, to a maximum of 55 (10d10).

Countermeasures. There are a few ways that the trap can be overcome.

Open the Doors. Opening the doors is the quickest way to circumvent the trap, but they are
warded with magic. To open the doors, a character must first succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) check to find the locking mechanism. A successful DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana)
check is then required to disable the sphere of force that surrounds the lock (dispel magic is
ineffective against it). Success on a DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools picks the lock.
Finally, a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check is needed to push the door open. Each
check requires an action.

Disable the Statues. A statue can be disabled by blocking the flow of gas from its mouth. Heavily
damaging a statue is a bad idea, for doing so leaves the gas vents open. Reducing a statue to 0 hit
points (AC 17; 20 hp; resistance to fire, piercing, and slashing damage; immune to poison and
psychic damage) or making a successful DC 20 Strength check to break it cracks the statue and
increases the Poison Gas damage by 5 (1d10). A successful DC 20 Dexterity check using
thieves’ tools, or a successful DC 15 Strength check made to block up the statue with a cloak or
similar object, decreases the poison damage by 5 (1d10). Once a character succeeds on the
check, someone must remain next to the statue to keep it blocked up. When all four statues are
blocked in this manner, the trap deactivates.

Designing Complex Traps

Creating a complex trap takes more work than building a simple one, but with some practice, you
can learn the process and make it move quickly.

Familiarize yourself with the advice on designing a simple trap before proceeding with the
guidelines on complex traps.


Complex traps are typically designed to protect an area by killing or disabling intruders. It is
worth your time to consider who made the trap, the trap’s purpose, and its desired result. Does
the trap protect a treasure? Does it target only certain kinds of intruders?

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