Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

Example Rival: Marina Rodemus

The Rodemus clan was a small but powerful family of traders in the city, but years ago, they
pulled up stakes and left town overnight. Marina Rodemus, the youngest child, has now returned
to restore her family’s prestige.

In truth, the family fled because its members became afflicted by lycanthropy. They joined a clan
of wererats and delved into smuggling in a distant city, out of fear that their secret would be
impossible to keep in their former home. After fighting her way to the top ranks of the wererat
clans, Marina — along with a small army of followers — has returned to claim her place among
the elite of her home city. She vows that if she doesn’t succeed, she’ll leave the city in ruins.

Goals. Marina wants to become the most respected, most important merchant in town —
someone to whom even the prince must yield.

Assets. Marina has a small fortune in gold; her abilities as a wererat, alchemist, and
necromancer; a group of wererats dedicated to her; and a shield guardian that protects her.

Plans. Marina works to discredit and ruin other merchants. Her wererats spy on her opponents
and sneak into warehouses, unleashing hordes of rats to spoil goods. Marina even victimizes a
few of her own warehouses to avoid suspicion.

If Marina’s plans fail, she has a terrible alternative. Her knowledge of alchemy has enabled her
to create a plague that she will unleash on the city through her rats. If she can’t rule, then no one

Marina’s Plans

Element Description

Event Rats become a noticeable problem in the streets, with swarms sighted in rundown neighborhoods. Folk demand that action be taken.

Action Caravan raids by goblinoids become more common, and folk talk of gathering a militMarina contributes generously to the effort. ia.

Action Warehouses are overrun with rats, ruining thousands of gold pieces worth of goods. Marina blames the city for a lax effort in pest control.

Action If the characters interfere, Marina sends her assassins against them.

Event A sudden storm creates minor flooding, washing dozens of dead, bloated, diseased rats from the sewers. Terror over the plague rips through town.

Action Marina fans the flames of panic, spreading rumors that the characters or other town are responsible for the disease. rivals in

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