Xanathars Guide To Everything ( PDFDrive )

(coco) #1

Item Type Attune?


The D&D game is built on the assumption that magic items appear sporadically and that they are
always a boon, unless an item bears a curse. Characters and monsters are built to face each other
without the help of magic items, which means that having a magic item always makes a
character more powerful or versatile than a generic character of the same level. As DM, you
never have to worry about awarding magic items just so the characters can keep up with the
campaign’s threats. Magic items are truly prizes. Are they useful? Absolutely. Are they
necessary? No.

Magic items can go from nice to necessary in the rare group that has no spellcasters, no monk,
and no NPCs capable of casting magic weapon. Having no magic makes it extremely difficult for
a party to overcome monsters that have resistances or immunity to nonmagical damage. In such a
game, you’ll want to be generous with magic weapons or else avoid using such monsters.

Never rely on magic items. They’re so fickle. First, they work, and then they don’t.
On, off, on, off — in the blink of my eye!

Chapter 3: Spells

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