Xanathar's Guide to Everything PDF

(coco) #1

You a r e skilled in stealth and survivi ng far fro m the
street s of a city, allowing you to scout ahead of your
companio ns during expeditio ns. Rogues who embrace
this ar chety pe ar e at ho m e in the wilderness and among
barbarians and r anger s, and many Scouts ser ve as t he
eyes and ear s of war bands. Ambusher, s py, bounty
hunter - these ar e just a few of the ro les that Scouts as-
sume as they r ange the world.

Rogue Level

Skirmisher, Survivalist
Superior Mobility
Ambush Master
17t h Sudden Strike

S tarting at 3rd level , you ar e difficult to pin down during
a fi ght. Yo u can move up to half your sp eed as a reaction
when an enemy ends its turn within 5 feet o f you. This
m ovem ent d oesn't provok e opportunity attack s.

When you choose t his ar chetype at 3 r d level. you gain
pr o fi ciency in the Nature and Survival skills if you don't
already have it. Your proficiency bo nus is doubled for
a ny ability check yo u m ak e that uses either of those pr o-
fi cienc ies.

At 9th level. your w alking speed incr eases by^10 feet. If
you have a climbing or swimming speed, this i ncr ease
applies to that speed as well.

Starting at 13th level, you excel at leading ambushes
and acting first in a fi g ht.
You have advantage on init iative r olls. In addition, the
first cr eature you hit during the fi rst round o f a combat
becom es easier for you a nd other s to strike; attack rolls
agains t that target have advantage until the start of your
next turn.

S tarting at 17t h level , you can s trike wi th deadly speed.
Jf you ta ke the Att ack actio n on your turn, y ou can make
on e additional at tack as a bonus actio n. This attack can
benefit from you r Sneak At tack even if you have already
used it this turn, but you can't use your S neak Attack
against the sam e ta rget m or e tha n once in a turn.

Swashbuckle r

You focus your training on the art of the blad e, r elying
o n speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. While
som e war r io r s ar e br utes clad i n heavy armor, your
method of fighting look s almost like a per forma nce. Du-
elists and pirates typically belo ng to this archetype.
A Swashbuckler excels in singl e combat, and can
fight with tw o weapons while safely d arting away from
an opponent.

Rogue Level Feature
3rd Fancy Footwork, Rakish Audacity
9th Panache
13th Elegant Maneuver
17th Master Duelist

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn
how to land a strike and then slip away without r ep r isal.
During your turn, i f you mak e a mel ee attack against a
cr eature, that cr eature can't mak e oppor tunity attacks
agains t you for the r est of your turn.

S t ar ting at 3rd level , your con fidence propels you into
bat t le. Yo u can gi ve yourself a bonus to you r initiati ve
r olls equal to your C harisma modifier.
You al so gai n an additional way to use your S neak At-
tack ; you don't need advantage on the at tack r oll to use
your S neak Attack against a creatur e if you a r e within^5
feet of it, no other creatures ar e within 5 feet of you , and
you don't have disadvantage on t he attack roll. All the
other rules fo r S neak Attack still apply to you.

At 9th level, your charm becomes extraordinarily be-
guiling. As an action , you can make a Cha rism a (P er -
suasio n) check contested by a creature's Wisdom (In-
sight) check. T he creatur e must be able to hear you, and
the two of you m ust sh ar e a l anguage.
If you succeed on the check and the cr eature is hostile
to you, it has d isadvantage on attack rolls against tar-
gets other than you and can't m a k e opportu n ity attacks
against ta r gets other t ha n you. This effect lasts for 1
minute, until one of y our companions attack s the target
or affect s it w ith a spell, or un ti l you and the ta r get a r e
m or e tha n 60 feet apar t.
If you succeed o n the check a nd the creature isn't
hostile to you, it is charmed by you for 1 minute. While
charmed , it regards you as a friendly acquaintance. T h is
effect ends immediately i f you or your companions do
anything harmful to it.

Starting at 13th level, you can use a bonus actio n on
your turn to gain advantage on the next Dexterity (Ac-
r ob atics) or S tr ength (Athletics) check you make during
the sam e turn.

Beginning at 17th level, your m aster y of t he blade lets
you turn failure into success in combat. If you m iss with
an attack roll, you can roll it again with advantage. Once
you do so, you can't use this feature again until you fin-
ish a shor t or lo ng r est.

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