Have The Relationship You Want

(Joyce) #1

to bring more affection and adoration to your love life.

This book is not intended to change who you are – it’s intended to help you become more
comfortable in your own skin.

What you’ll “get,” on a deep level inside yourself, is that it’s not about what you look like or
what you do for a man that changes things. It’s about how comfortable you are in your own
skin, in your own body, in your own heart and mind and soul that turns him on.


Because the more comfortable you are in your own skin, the more a man believes – down
to his toes – that you’re comfortable with his skin.

In other words, if you’re able to express yourself honestly, authentically and without
judgment, he believes you’ll accept him when he’s being honest and authentic. He will feel
safe around you.

And, again – because this is so important – a man falls in love when he feels safe with you.

So this is a complete turnaround of everything we women have ever thought, been taught
and practiced our entire lives. A man falls in love because he feels safe around us. He falls in
love because he connects to our heart, and we connect to his.

We Need to Stop What Doesn’t Work

We women are born desiring deep emotional connection to each other, to men and to the
planet, but we’ve been raised to stuff our real selves down and skitter along the surface of

We’ve settled for creating endless, superficial interactions that go nowhere and so end up
in situations where connection can never happen.

We’ve been taught to use all the wrong parts of ourselves to create connection and love,
such as our looks, our intellect and our sexuality. When that connection doesn’t happen, and
when we get disappointed by men, we end up feeling hopeless that true love can even exist
for us.

And we’ve been trained to believe things about certain emotions – like anger,
disappointment, fear, frustration, expectation, guilt and shame – that undermine our belief
in the possibility of emotions like joy, bliss and peace.

We’ve been trained to “go” in certain directions, and say and do certain things when
we feel anger, disappointment, fear, frustration, expectation, guilt and shame – and those
directions are simply the wrong ones.

Our training has been our undoing.

We need to unlearn all the things that don’t work.
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