Have The Relationship You Want

(Joyce) #1

Chapter 1

Stop Believing Your

“Nasty Voice” & Love Yourself

“The longest journey you will make in your life is from your head to your heart.” (Sioux legend)

Wanting something is essential to getting it. Once you want something fiercely enough, not
only are you more able to figure out how to get it, it seems everyone else on the planet
wants it for you, too. One word to describe
this is synchronicity. You put out strong, clear
energy that you want something, and soon
you’re bumping into people in the street who
can help you get it. We’ve all had these

Part of how synchronicity works is that it
doesn’t know the difference between what
you think you want, what you say you want,
and what you really want. If you use most of
your energy thinking about how miserable you
are, and focusing on what you don’t like about
what’s going on in your life, it’s like signaling
the world to keep on sending more of the
same your way.

No wonder we feel stuck! The more we complain, the more we spin our wheels. We
feel like we’ll never get out of the hole of our stale relationship, never ever find a great
relationship, never get off the treadmill of too much to do and too little time, never be

We listen to the unsettling, angry voices in our heads because we don’t trust ourselves.
We’ve created routines and habits that we don’t know how to break. I’ve been there; we’ve
all been there. But there are ways out.

In this chapter, we’re going to take some first steps “out” of this “stuck place” – and it all
begins with changing what’s going on inside our heads.

The basic truth here is that the road to your dream relationship starts with you. It starts
inside you, and all of it starts with what you believe about yourself, about men, about life,
about relationships, about who you are and what you deserve. Our lives almost never turn

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