Have The Relationship You Want

(Joyce) #1

How To Use This Book

This book is the foundation for everything I teach. In order to get the most out of it, I
encourage you to read it in chronological order and do all the exercises (“the Tools”) in each
chapter. This will help you quickly understand the reasoning and concept behind the new
skills you’ll be learning, then easily put those skills into practice so you can start experiencing
the love life you’ve always dreamed of.

I’m so thrilled you’re reading this now, and I applaud you for taking the risk of changing
things, as they are, in order to get what you want. When the new Tools you’ll find in this
book work for you for the first time, you’ll be amazed. And they will continue to work, taking
you as far into love as you’re willing to go.

Love, Rori


This is your very own personalized copy, so please make sure you keep it all to yourself.
Doing so helps me keep serving you and creating valuable content.

If you have any questions about your order, please contact my support team at
http://www.HaveTheRelationshipYouWant.com/contact.html and provide either your order
code or the email address you used during purchasing.

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