Have The Relationship You Want

(Joyce) #1

feeling around him. And we fall in love when a man treats us the way we treat ourselves,
whether that ends up being pleasurable or painful.

Men, on the other hand, just feel in their “gut” (we might refer to this as “thinking with
their dicks”) whatever it is they feel about us. It can make a man act clueless, or angry,
or depressed, or insensitive. It can make him move in toward us fast, or it can make him
withdraw and run away from us.

And when a man falls in love with us, he falls hard.

He might feel sexually attracted to 100 women in a room – but he only falls for one.

What Really Makes Him Fall for You

What inspires a man to fall in love? What makes him want to be around you? A man is
compelled to be with you and to love you because of reasons that have nothing to do with:

  • Being as smart as he is.
    (Actually, you just need to be “smart enough” to understand what he’s talking about and
    what’s important to him.)

  • Being nurturing and helpful.
    (The more nurturing and helpful you are, the more masculine energy you are and the
    faster and further you’ll drive him away. You’ll learn more about masculine and feminine
    energy throughout this book.)

  • Being good in bed.
    (You just need to have a good time yourself when he makes love to you. You just need to
    LET him love you.)

  • Making good money, having a good job and being successful.
    (You just have to be able to take care of yourself and perhaps half your children’s financial
    needs. In other words – you have to be able to be okay without a man.)

  • Working hard to move the relationship forward.
    (Even THINKING about moving the relationship forward makes him stall even more. Yes,
    it’s frustrating to have had all this wrong information all these years.)

  • Making him the center of your world.
    (Making him the center of your world is the fastest way to kill his attraction for you.)

  • Playing hard to get.
    (Playing anything is the second fastest way to kill the attraction.)

  • Being childless.

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