Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


ometimes starfighters or other small ships
have weapons such as proton torpedoes
or concussion missile launchers that have the
Limited Ammo Quality. Although normally
Limited Ammo weapons can be reloaded with
a maneuver once exhausted, starfighters gen-
erally carry only one payload of torpedoes or
missiles, and must be reloaded back at a base
or carrier starship. They cannot be reloaded in
mid-flight, and especially not in mid-combat!


Quad lasers are dedicated anti-starfighter weapons
consisting of four small-caliber laser cannons linked to
a single firing mechanism and slaved to a sophisticated
fire-control system. They fire four laser blasts with ev-
ery pull of the trigger, and can quite easily fill the space
around a ship with enough kilojoules of energy to de-
stroy even the toughest starfighter or patrol boat.


Massive, heavy-caliber weapons with incredible en-
ergy requirements, turbolasers are the largest weap-
ons mounted to starships. Turbolasers can punch clean
through an opponent's shields, armor, and hull with a
single blast; the lightest easily hulling small ships and
the heaviest battering down the defenses of the largest
cruiser. The trade-offs are their heavy power require-
ments, their slow recharge time, and their difficulty in
tracking and hitting small, fast targets like starfighters.


Tractor beams are modified shield generators that proj-
ect a beam of energy that can ensnare starships. Used
on orbital shipyards, planetary starports, space stations,
and many starships, tractor beams are commonly used
to guide vessels safely into slips and docking bays, as
well as to handle cargo. When mounted to warships,
they can be used offensively to capture enemy vessels
and draw them into docking bays for ease of boarding.


Ordnance provides vehicles and starships with a pow-
erful one-use weapon that can punch through armor
or even lock on to opponents and track them. These
projectiles are propelled by small sub-light drives and
carry high-yield warheads designed to give small ships
a heavier punch against large ships or to take out en-
emy starfighters or airspeeders before the opponent
can close to engage. Most ordnance contains a so-
phisticated guidance system and vectored thrusters
that allow it to track its target and even come around
for another pass if it misses the first time.


The more common and less powerful of the two types
of shipboard ordnance, concussion missiles are found
on all manner of spacecraft, from tiny starfighters to
capital ships. Roughly a meter long, a concussion mis-
sile employs special warheads, combining a hardened
durasteel penetrator that uses kinetic force to pierce
through a ship's armor and a shaped high-explosive
charge that causes damage through both explo-

sive force and concussive shock. Concussion missiles
are primarily anti-fighter weapons, used to quickly deal
crippling damage to starfighters and patrol boats, al-
though they perform well against larger targets as well.
Concussion grenades are primarily a personal scale
weapon, although many military ground vehicles
mount concussion grenade launchers that fire larger
anti-infantry or anti-armor versions. Concussion gre-
nade launchers are typically relatively short range bal-
listic weapons, and thus are useless in space combat.

Additional concussion missiles cost 500 credits
each and are Restricted.


Proton torpedoes are highly advanced anti-ship pro-
jectiles typically carried by starfighters and patrol
boats. They are larger and bulkier than concussion
missiles and have a squat, conical warhead, meaning
their launchers carry fewer rounds than an equivalent
concussion missile launcher. These weapons mount a
deadly, irradiating, proton-scattering warhead deto-
nated by a volatile Nergon-14 explosive charge. Pro-
ton torpedoes are designed to damage and destroy
large vessels like bulk transports and capital ships.
They allow small ships like starfighters and patrol
boats to punch well above their weight.
Additional proton torpedoes cost 750 credits each
and are Restricted.

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