Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


ny character in EDGE OF THE EMPIRE, with the excep-
tion of droids and a few other specific species, can
theoretically be Force sensitive. Being Force sensitive
is by no means the same as being a Jedi. There are
plenty of individuals whose minds are slightly more
in touch with the Force than those of average people,
but who will never become a Jedi.
In the game, the ability to use the Force is repre-
sented by a character's Force rating. Most characters
have a Force rating of zero. They are not cut off from
the Force, but they cannot affect it, and it does not
have much influence in their day-to-day lives. Those
who are Force sensitive, however, have a Force rating.


As mentioned previously, a character with a Force rat-
ing of one or higher is considered Force sensitive.
Force sensitivity does not provide a character with
bonuses or abilities in and of itself. However, it allows
access to abilities and provides the means to activate
and use Force powers. Force powers will be discussed
later in this chapter.

Certain talents in specialization trees may only be
selected by Force-sensitive characters, and certain
specialization trees may only be accessible to some-
one who is Force sensitive. In addition, certain talents
and abilities may affect Force-sensitive characters dif-
ferently, or may only affect such characters (or not af-
fect them at all). If this is the case, it will be described
in the rules section of the talent or ability in ques-

tion. Likewise, talents and specialization trees that
can only be taken by Force-sensitive characters will
indicate this status in their descriptions.


In EDCE OF THE EMPIRE, the primary way one becomes
a Force-sensitive character is by choosing the Force
Sensitive Exile specialization (see the following page).
This specialization is fundamentally the same as the
specializations starting on page 53 and is consid-
ered a specialization in all respects. However, there
are several notable differences.

This specialization is a universal specialization. The
experience point cost to take a universal specializa-
tion is always ten times the total number of special-
izations the character would possess with this new
specialization. While this means it costs the same as a
career specialization, universal specializations are not
career specializations.

Players should be aware of additional limitations to
becoming Force sensitive as well. For example, the Droid
species cannot become Force sensitive, and certain oth-
er species open to player characters have similar limita-
tions (this is listed in a species' specific entry). Because
these species cannot become Force sensitive, they can-
not select the Force Sensitive Exile specialization.
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