Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


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he Jedi are gone, the vast majority hunted down
and destroyed by the Emperor and his minions.
If any survive, they do so in hiding at the farthest
edges of the galaxy. The Galactic Empire
regards the ability to use the Force as
a crime punishable by the harshest
measures. In a few short decades,
most of the galaxy has forgotten
the Jedi, and dismissed the

Force as an ancient religion. For many, this is by far
the safest option.
However, although the Empire has purged the Jedi,
not all who use the Force have been hunted down and
killed. The galaxy is simply too large to track down every
Force-sensitive being, and the Emperor's infamous Or-
der 66 and the hunts that followed primarily concerned
themselves with pursuing true Jedi and their descen-
dants and allies. In the hidden corners of the galaxy,
those who can touch the Force remain hidden, hunted,
and outcast...but alive.

The Force Sensitive Exile specialization does not
have any career skills associated with it. However,
when a character purchases this specialization, he au-
tomatically receives a Force rating of 1, if he did not
already have it. If he already has a Force rating of 1 or
higher, it does not increase.
Although technically someone is Force sensitive
from birth, it can take a great deal of time for him to
realize he has this power. For this reason, the Force
Sensitive Exile specialization can be taken during
character creation or at any later point, just as any
other specialization.

The Force Sensitive Exile is not just any Force-
sensitive being; he is one who survived the purges.
He may have been a young Padawan or even a
minor Jedi who managed to flee the Empire and
hide. He may also have been a child, hidden by
friends or family. Whatever the case, he's spent the
last decades in a hostile galaxy. His formal train-
ing is likely to be limited or even non-existent, and
he uses his powers carefully or not at all. Even his
mastery of the Force is shaped by his experienc-
es—his powers focus more around concealment
and control than flashy displays of ability.
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