Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
The Core Worlds

yne Lore vvorias region is tne governmental ana cuitur-
I al center of the galaxy. For millennia, the Core Worlds
were the heart of the Republic, and they retain that sta-
tus under the Galactic Empire. The region consists of a
semi-circular ring of star systems around the north/east,
and south sides of the Deep Core. Every major hyper-
lane starts in, or intersects with, the Core Worlds.


The Core Worlds are among the most ancient civiliza-
tions of the Republic. From these central worlds, explo-
ration radiated outwards towards the rim of the galaxy.
With it came governmental, societal, and economic ex-
pansion that Tunneled vast amounts of wealth back to
the Core Worlds. These densely populated planets are
among the most powerful in the galaxy.
Much of the rest of the galaxy regards the Core Worlds
citizenry as aloof, snobbish, and elitist. This assessment
is largely true, and is only bolstered by Core Worlder ar-
guments that everyone else is simply jealous of their stat-
ure and opportunities. Cultural, political, and economic
clashes between the galactic regions are common.

While,political and economic conflicts are common
occurrences throughout the history of the Core Worlds,
large-scale warfare occurred far less often than in the
outer regions of the galaxy. The citizens tend to think
of themselves as largely protected from such displays
of violence. These attitudes were shattered.in modem
times by the Clone Wars, which brought the realities of
interstellar warfare to the very cradle of the Republic:
With the events of the Clone Wars manipulated by
Chancellor Palpatine, he used the fear generated by
the war to support his vision, of peace through mili-
tary strength and a dominant central government.
Thus, with the establishment of the Galactic Empire,
the Core Worlds became its strongest supporters.
Citizens tend to turn a blind eye towards the darker
side of the Empire, often dismissing the worst stories
as dissident or Rebel lies and propaganda.. Most ac-
tively support the Imperial cause and government.
They remain ignorant of its worst evils, which Palpa-
tine takes great steps to obscure. Organizations like
COMPNOR (Commission for the Preservation of the
New Order) that actively support Imperial aims find
popular support.

The Core Worlds, and Coruscant (Imperial Center) in
particular, are the greatest driver of the Imperial-bu-
reaucracy and.war machine. Spurred on equally by ide-
ological goals and economic gain, Core Worlds support
has allowed Imperial power to permeate the region.
Rebels, dissidents, sympathizers, and other outliers are

  • not welcome, arid security is generally tight and effec-
    tive. Though opportunities exist for smugglers and pi-
    rates, they are ruthlessly hunted down when detected.

iviany nave nea to tne lesser security or tne outer re-
gions to ply their trade with a bit more safety. ; '


The following are areas of interest within the Core
Worlds, at or before the rise of the Empire.
Abregado-rae: Located in the Borderlands region of
the Core Worlds, Abregado-rae is a center of manu-'
facturing and trade. Though it marks the start of the
Rimma Trade Route, the system is not especially influ-
ential in galactic affairs.

Alderaan: Alderaan was one of the original worlds of the
Republic, a home to early human colonists. An influen-
tial player in galactic politics, Alderaan was a world of
high culture for centuries. It became pacifist following the
brutal Clone Wars, but overtly and secretly opposed the
Emperor. Alderaan was destroyed by the Death Star in
an attempt to both intimidate the galactic citizenry into
submission before the Empire, and to wrest the location
of a secret Rebel base from Leia Organa. The rocky, shat-
tered remains of Alderaan are called the Graveyard.

Brentaal: Brentaal benefits tremendously from its stra-
tegic location at the intersection of the Perlemian Trade
Route and the Hydian Way. Brentaal IV is a wealthy
world powered by an active trading center, extensive
starports, broad manufacturing facilities, and galactic
shipping. The Brentaal Houses firmly control the system
thanks to their dominant position in galactic trade.

Corellia: Corellia rs the beneficiary and founder of
two major hyperlanes that intersect the system, the
Corellian Run and Corellia Trade Spine. It is an unusual
planetary system, consisting of five inhabited worlds,
two of which orbit the ancient and mysterious Center-
point Station. Three species call Corellia home: Hu-
mans, Selonians and Drall. Corellia is famous for its
shipyards and the free-spirited attitudes of its human
citizens. See page 357 for more information.
Corulag: Corulag is dedicated to Emperor Palpatine's
New Order. It is home to the prestigious Corulag Acade-
my, a highly acclaimed and sought-after military school.
Coruscant (Imperial Center): Coruscant is the tra-
ditional capital of the Old Republic, and the heart of •
galactic culture and influence. Emperor Palpatine re-
named it Imperial Center after seizing power. While'
the black hole at the center of the Deep Core is the
geographic center of the galaxy, the origin point for
Republic and Imperial navigational charts remains
Coruscant. The entire planet is covered in a dense ur-
ban cityscape, with the well-to-do living in the towers
and upper levels, leaving the dregs of society to the •
lower levels. It is the center of the Imperial power, the
galactic bureaucracy, and many of the galaxy's most
powerful economic institutions and corporations.
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