Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
Duro: Duro is homeworld to the Duros species. The
Duros were among the earliest spacefaring societies,
predating even the modern hyperdrive. They originat-
ed and blazed a great number of hyperroutes, includ-
ing an early portion of the Corellian Trade Spine. They
developed and colonized the systems they discovered
to great economic effect. The surface of the planet
became overwhelmed by industry and sprawling au-
tomated corporate farms. Due to the high pollution
and terrible conditions, most Duros live in orbital cit-
ies or elsewhere off-world.
Kuat: Kuat is home to the legendary Kuat Drive Yards,
responsible for manufacturing starships throughout
the history of the Republic, the Clone Wars, and the
Galactic Empire. Completely ringed by an orbital
stardock for starship manufacturing, Kuat produces
thousands of ships a year, including the iconic Im-
perial Star Destroyer. Hundreds of millions of work-
ers inhabit the orbital ring. Given the system's great
strategic importance, the Empire maintains a massive
presence in-system and around the region. Access to
the system is highly controlled.

Ralltiir: Ralltiir is best known for its extensive bank-
ing system, as well as its attempts to remain politi-
cally neutral. Before the Battle of Yavin, agents and
factions secretly attempted to guide its influential
financial markets towards Imperial support. After
Rebel sympathizers tried to counter the Imperial
actions, the Empire invaded, seizing direct control.
Since that time, the system has become the target of
Rebel raids and covert operations. While the Empire
retains control, Ralltiir's financial institutions have
been greatly damaged.
Rendili: Rendili supports one of the galaxy's largest
starship producers, Rendili Star Drive. Rendili sided
with the Separatists during the Clone Wars, but its
support was inhibited by its Home Fleet's loyalty to
the Republic. Chancellor Palpatine used the crisis to
bring such fleets under more direct governmental
control. However, the system's disloyalty ultimately
hurt Rendili Star Drive, as it received no lucrative Im-
perial contracts.


Now, the Core Worlds. Lots of opportunities there for a crafty freighter captain, such as yourself. Sure,
the Imperials like to make everyone think the region is locked down tight. It makes the residents feel safe,
you know, better to keep them under control, like good little Imperial citizens.

Well, it's a bit like that. Security is a lot tighter. Customs officials are a lot more effective. You certainly
don't want to hang around on an Imperial world any longer than you have to, especially if you have a few
warrants out there. Imperial detention facilities are not fun, let me tell you.

However, all of that security and bureaucracy opens up new markets for people like you and me. Somebody
always needs some restricted goods, or outright illegal items smuggled to them, and they'll have to pay
extra to avoid Imperial issues. If you've got some morals, you'll find that a lot of perfectly normal goods are
illegal for various reasons on Imperial worlds. Of course, since those reasons are often political, you'll need
to avoid any apparent connection to the Rebels.

So, here's what I have right now.

The first one is a bit morbid. I've got a family of Alderaan survivors who want to make a trip to the Graveyard
to pay their respects. This one isn't so much illegal as it is risky. The remains of Alderaan haven't had time to
stabilize their orbits, and won't for years to come. Just don't get too close, and you'll be fine. Sometimes an
ISB ship or two's in the area, trying to ID anyone who shows up and check them out later. Don't hang around.

This next one is a fairly standard contraband run into Brentaal. With all the merchant activity around the
system, you'd quickly become just another ship in the spacelanes. You'll have to deal with customs, of course,
but it's high-paying and it shouldn't be too hard for you to pick up a legitimate cargo for the trip back out.

This last one is pretty dangerous. It seems that one of the wealthier banking officials wants to sneak his
family off of Ralltiir. At the very least, that means they have reasons to avoid the Imperials. They might be
wanted criminals, but I'd be willing to bet they've been tagged as Rebel sympathizers. If they were agents,
they wouldn't be looking for this kind of help.

Whichever you choose, just make sure your ship's licenses and identification are legal, or at least able to
withstand close scrutiny. Chances are good you'll run into some kind of Imperial officials, if nothing more
than the customs officers who inevitably greet you at most every starport. Don't forget to watch your back.
ISB agents love to root out threats to the New Order, Rebel or not.

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