Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
The Colonies


he Colonies form the first ring of major galactic ex-
ploration and expansion beyond the Core Worlds.
The Colonies are the second most densely populated
region after the Core Worlds themselves, and magni-
tudes greater than the galaxy at large. The Colonies
extend in a semicircular pattern around the similarly
explored Core Worlds region.
Settlement of the Colonies started before the es-
tablishment of the Republic. Explorers and colonists
extended the power and ambition of the Core Worlds
from which they came. Primitive generation ships pre-
dated hyperspace capable craft, making the coloniza-
tion effort all the more remarkable. Due to the limi-
tations of travel and communications, many worlds
broke away from their original rulers within a few gen-
erations. The ongoing conflicts between the Colonies
and their home worlds proved to be a driving force in
the establishment of a galactic government.


Though the region still struggles for the prestige it feels
it deserves, the Colonies hold some of the wealthi-
est worlds in the galaxy. Compared to the outer ter-
ritories, the Colonies are culturally advanced and an
economic powerhouse in their own right, though the
Core is reluctant to ever acknowledge this fact. The
region has long been the source of political strife and
change in the history of the Republic. The Colonies
believe themselves to be at the economic forefront in
the galaxy, combining the power and wealth with the
raw materials needed throughout the galaxy.
With the development of the Colonies came the
advancement of galactic standards and laws aimed

towards curbing abuses of
power both governmental and corpo-
rate. Much of this was due to major galactic struggles
often erupting from conflicts with and within the Colo-
nies themselves. Due to this reputation, the Galactic
Empire keeps careful watch over the region, dealing
harshly with any troublesome areas, so as not to let
anti-government sentiment grow into a major threat
to Imperial power. A great percentage of Colonies'
megacorporations and other operations greatly ben-
efit from Imperial contracts orchestrated to keep the
region happy and under control. These efforts keep
the region in line, but have not stopped a growing
resentment towards the Imperial government that is
building beneath the surface.


The following are areas of interest within the Colonies,
at or before the rise of the Empire.
Arkania: A cold, tundra-covered world located between
the Perlemian Trade Route and the Hydian Way, Arkania
is the home world of the native Arkanians and their ge-
netically modified off-shoots, who are treated as lesser
beings. The Arkanians are scientifically minded, but of-
ten unscrupulous in their dealings and experiments.

Balmorra: Located at the very edge between the
Colonies and the Core Worlds, Balmorra is a heavily
industrialized world. Known for producing arms for
the Imperial Army, Balmorra is one of the primary
manufacturing locations for the AT-ST walker.

Byblos: Another major manufacturer of military
equipment, Byblos is a heavily populated world on
the Corellian Run. The planet's unique architecture

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