Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Ah, the Colonies. There's a lot of wealth tied up in these worlds, and they're not afraid to spend it. Now, don't get
too excited. The Empire is still very active here, as well as plenty of local authorities. So you have to be careful.

The trick to a successful run in the Colonies is usually to appear as legitimate as possible. It's not that they
don't like fringers and hard working merchants, but they respond much better to those they see as success-
ful, even if they suspect otherwise. My recommendation? Dress the part. Clean up your ship. Maybe invest in
some crew uniforms, or at least leave the ratty jumpsuits in your quarters. First impressions matter greatly to
some customers, especially those you might take on as passengers. Plus it helps impress customs officials.
It's surprising how many smugglers think their piece of junk starship is just the thing to go unnoticed, when a
well-kept vessel can deter all manner of uncomfortable questioning.

With all of that money floating around, it's not tremendously difficult to find some kind of work; especially if you
don't mind standard fetch-and-carry jobs.

Speaking of, first on my list is a request to covertly transport some rare biological specimens out to a medical
research lab on Arkania. It has some advanced preservation technology, but you don't have to worry about that.
The passenger escorting the device will keep it running during the trip. Of course, it must be something less
than legal, or they would just hire a shipping company.

This one is a bit unusual. It looks like one of the wealthier Neimoidian politicians is relocating to Cato Neimoidia,
and needs transports to haul his considerable belongings. However, from the sound of it, he's actually looking
for someone like you to work as decoys for the actual moving vessels. I guess he has some enemies, or he's just
trying to throw off the ISB while moving some kind of illegal collection. Either way it's risky, but pays very well.
If your crew's willing to do a good deed and get paid for it, I hear there's a wealthy, free Herglic merchant willing
to hire mercenaries to free certain individuals from slave compounds in old Herglic Space.

I'm no Rebel sympathizer, but even I abhor the Ghorman tragedy. I hear they're trying to make this year's dem-
onstrations quite the show, which is bound to stir up more trouble. There's definitely a few Rebel agents on
the planet now, and they're likely looking for people who can cause trouble or stir up a crowd. Qr if you're out
to make a credit at their expense, I bet they come with high bounties.

Now, back on the legal side of things, I know you can regularly pick up passengers at Mrlsst between sessions
at the universities. They are usually just looking to hitch a ride back to their various home worlds. However,
sometimes you get the unusual research student who needs a lift to somewhere really exotic or dangerous.

features enormous towers of up to 5,000 levels, with
each tower dedicated to a specific function. The world
is also known for Byblos Drive Yards, producing air
speeders and other flying vehicles.
Cato Neimoidia: Though it is an independent colony,
Cato Neimoidia is best known as a Neimoidian "purse
world." Cato Neimoidia was one of the wealthiest
planets in the galaxy, but its status suffered a ma-
jor setback when Republic forces captured it during
the Clone Wars. Until then, it was a major Separatist
stronghold. The world is known for its bridge cities,
underslung from enormous, natural rock arches.
Commenor: Commenor is well known for its inde-
pendent spirit. As such, the Rebel Alliance has es-
tablished a secret starfighter training facility on Folor,
Commenor's largest moon.

Devaron: Devaron is the homeworld of the Devaro-
nians, located near the Corellian Trade Spine. It is a
mountainous world, covered with deep valleys, lakes,
and major rivers. Devaronian females tend to remain
on their homeworld, while the males wander their
planet or the galaxy at large.
Fondor: Fondor is known primarily for its orbital ship-
yard. The Empire seized these facilities and is nearly
finished building Darth Vader's new flagship, the Su-
per Star Destroyer Executor.
Ghorman: Located along the Rimma Trade Route,
Ghorman is best known as the site of a major,
public Imperial atrocity. In response to an anti-tax
demonstration, the Imperial commander Wilhuff
Tarkin landed the ship sent to collect the taxes on
top of the demonstrators. Tarkin was promoted to

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