Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
the rank of Moff. The event serves as a rallying cry
against the Empire.
Giju: Giju is the homeworld of the Herglics and the
center of their pre-Republic empire. They once colo-
nized and controlled systems around their home-
world, stretching into the Inner Rim. Their influence
extended along the Rimma Trade Route. Although the
Herglics were one of the first species to join the Re-
public, the Empire has essentially enslaved them.
Mrlsst: Mrlsst is a swampy planet known for its uni-
versities. It lies at the edge of Tapani Space.

Namadii Corridor: The Namadii Corridor is an im-
portant hyperspace route between Coruscant (Impe-
rial Center) and Bilbringi in the Inner Rim.
Neimoidia: This is the Neimoidian homeworld, origi-
nally colonized by the Duros. The world is regularly
overlooked or upstaged by the nearby Core Worlds,
much to the Neimoidian's disdain.
Procopia: Procopia is the capital world and heart of
the old Tapani Empire, and now serves the same role
for the Tapani Sector. Located in the southern reaches
of the Colonies, the Tapani sector still exerts economic
and political influence throughout the area.

The Inner Rim


riginally called just the Rim when first opened for
exploration and settlement in the early Republic,
the Inner Rim gained its current name after scouts
continued into the Expanded Rim, now known as the
Expansion Region. The shape of the populated area is
roughly semi-circular, with a northeastern bulge and
narrowed eastern zone in the Slice, between the Trel-
len Trade Route and the Corellian Run.

The Inner Rim marks the original boundary of
civilized, explored space. In its early days, it was the
great frontier: raw and rugged. Corporate concerns
and rapid colonization quickly pushed the frontier
further out, actually distorting the shape of the Inner
Rim region in the process. Those avoiding the corpo-
rate exploitation of the Expanded Rim also avoided
the eastern edge, creating the northeastern bulge. It
wasn't long before the Inner Rim was well within the
realm of Republic commerce and politics.


The Inner Rim holds a great variety of worlds, many
in major agricultural and industrial roles. Within the
Slice, population density is actually similar to the Col-
onies, but drops off quickly in other areas. Culturally
speaking, the Inner Rim is the dividing line between
the core of the galaxy and the outlying sectors. As
such, the residents are a bit unique in the galaxy,
looking up at the Core regions, and down on their
ever distant neighbors. Like the Colonies, the citizens
of the Inner Rim harbor a well-known undercurrent of
jealousy for their neighbors close to the Core.

Despite its distance from the Galactic Core, the Inner
Rim holds some of the most sought after goods in the
galaxy. Two main sources of critical healing substances
are found in this region. These are Manaan for kolto (es-
pecially in the ancient Republic), and Thyferra for bacta.
The region is also an important industrial zone. The re-

gion is strategically important, and wars have been a
regular problem throughout the Inner Rim's history.
Some of the earliest secessionist fighting in the Clone
Wars erupted at the Gotal home system of Antar. It lies
near the eastern, narrowed region, bordering future
Separatist territory and an extension of Hutt Space
in the adjacent Expansion Region. The southern por-
tion of the Inner Rim harbored the closest border of
continuous Separatist space towards the core regions.
Centered around the intersection of the Rimma Trade
Route and Corellian Trade Spine, this end of Separat-
ist space started at Bestine and Thyferra, and followed
the Rimma all the way out to Elrood in the Outer Rim.

Under Imperial control, Inner Rim worlds are regu-
larly under martial law, or threatened to become so in
the near future. The Empire keeps a close watch and
has not forgotten, or forgiven, the systems with a Sep-
aratist past. More and more of the local population
are becoming fed up with the increasingly oppressive
conditions. Significant numbers are relocating to the
less regulated Expansion Region.


The following are areas of interest within the Inner
Rim, at or before the rise of the Empire.
Antar: The Gotal homeworld of Antar IV has a high-
ly unusual orbital pattern around a gas giant, which
greatly varies its reception of light on any given day.
The Gotals are well adapted to their unique condi-
tions. There is generally no organized central govern-
ment. The Empire has not forgotten that a Separat-
ist movement fought an early battle here before the
Clone Wars, as well as maintained a base on Antar IV.
Bestine: Once regarded as yet another nondescript
colony world, Bestine is now well known as a target
and instigator of Rebel activity. A few years ago, the

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