Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Empire forcibly removed the established colony to
convert the system into a new naval shipyard. By
betraying promises made to the relocated colonists,
the Empire has turned the system into a rallying and
recruitment point for Rebel agents, as well as a legiti-
mate military target.


These days, the Inner Rim may as well be code for
Imperial martial law. Not every planet has a re-
strictive Imperial presence, just most of the ones
you actually want to visit. It's not like the locals
want it that way; many wish the Empire would lay
off and mind its own business. The problem is, the
Empire makes everything its business.

Now, you'll start to see more variety in the wealth
and success of various worlds. Some are quite rich
and successful, while others barely scrape by or have
failed altogether. You'll also notice a lot less traffic
out here. There are still plenty of densely populated
planets, but they are much more spread out.

Let's run down the job list. First, I've got Denon,
the Inner Rim's answer to Coruscant. It's big, ur-
ban, and frankly, a bit boring. I can set you up with
most any standard shipping or smuggling run.

Next is something of a mercy mission. Ever since the
colonists were uprooted from Bestine by the Empire,
they've been trying to work out their next move. I've
got a few families who need a lift out to the Expansion
Region. Maybe they know something I don't, or more
likely someone I don't, but the Expansion Region just
isn't exactly looking for new workers these days. If
you take them, prepare a backup plan. They might
end up on your ship longer than you expect.

Last is Thyferra. How would you like to do some
bacta smuggling? Sure, bacta is legal, but if you
can avoid the Bacta Cartel, it's a whole lot more
profitable. If you get your hands on it, you can
offload it for a huge profit at most any out-of-the-
way planet or world under bacta embargo. Just
remember, those Thyferrians are a touchy bunch.
Be sure to be polite to your contact.

Bilbringi: Bilbringi holds a famous and well-defend-
ed orbital Imperial shipyard in an otherwise lifeless
star system.
Denon: Located on the Corellian Run, Denon is a
completely urbanized world. It resembles Coruscant,
but with much less power and prestige.
Hapes: Hapes gives its name to a cluster of stars and
an ancient world not far from the Perlemian Trade
Route. Isolated from surrounding space by gas and
ionized particles, Hapes is largely autonomous, stand-
ing apart from the Empire, as it did in the Republic.
See page 354 for more information.

Manaan: Manaan is the water-covered homeworld of
the aquatic Selkath species. Since the Old Republic,
Manaan has been the only known source of kolto, a
strong healing substance. In modern times, Manaan is
better known as a resort world. Now under Imperial
control, rumors whisper that the resort is actually a
cover for Imperial activity.

Myrkr: Myrkr is a highly obscure world. Those in the
know regard it as a smuggler's stopover or decent
world to hide from just about anybody. The trees have
a natural metal content that makes sensor scans dif-
ficult. Myrkr's greatest secret is that it is home to the
ysalamiri. Though virtually unknown to the galaxy, a
ysalamiri naturally repels the Force, completely defeat-
ing the Force abilities of Force sensitive individuals.
Onderon: Onderon is a planet covered in wild, le-
thal jungles. It has a single, huge, fortified settlement
called Iziz built to hold back the wild monsters. It also
has an ancient reputation for savagery and evil. One
of Onderon's moons, Dxun, holds the tomb of the an-
cient Sith Lord Freedon Nadd. Dxun actually passes
close enough to Onderon to form an atmospheric
bridge between the worlds at certain times.
Taanab: Taanab is an agricultural world and exporter
of foodstuffs. The planet is most famous for the re-
cently reported "Battle of Taanab," where Lando
Calrissian creatively defeated pirates who annually
raided the world.
Thyferra: Thyferra is the homeworld of the Vratix
species, the inventors of bacta. With the rise of the
Empire, two corporations called Xucphra and Zaltin
negotiated a deal with the Imperial government to
control virtually all of the galaxy's bacta. The human-
owned companies dominate the world government,
and are collectively known as the Bacta Cartel.
Yag'Dhul: Yag'Dhul is the bizarre homeworld of the
equally unusual Givin species. The planet's three moons
and complex orbit results in extreme tidal forces that
expose portions of the plant to hard vacuum. This gave
rise to the Civin's unique physiology to resist such con-
ditions, and their natural abilities as shipbuilders and
mathematicians. The system is at the intersection of
the Corellian Trade Spine and the Rimma Trade Route.

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