Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Cathar: Cathar is the homeworld of the species of the
same name. Cathar is best known for suffering a dev-
astating attack during the ancient Mandalorian Wars, |
before the world became a member of the Republic.
The feline-like Cathar live in large city-trees.

Dorin: Dorin is the home planet of the Kel Dor spe-
cies. Black holes greatly restrict hyperspace travel in
the area. Dorin's atmosphere is toxic to most off world
species, and the Kel Dor themselves wear breath
masks and protective eyewear off-world.

Iktotchon: Iktotchon is the homeworld of the Iktot-
chi species. Known for their precognitive abilities,
they foresaw the conditions of the new Empire. Many
returned to Iktotchon to escape the dark times, and
new orbital colonies were built to accommodate
those returning to the system. The Empire has block-
aded the system, but both sides seem content to
avoid further confrontation.

Kinyen: Kinyen is the homeworld of the Gran, where
they maintained a meticulously balanced, peaceful
civilization for millennia. Access to Kinyen was highly
restricted for non-Gran. As such, they initially resist-
ed Imperial demands to full access to their world. In
response, the Imperials ordered an orbital bombard-
ment. The Gran relented, but some have joined the
Rebel Alliance in response.

Tierfon: Tierfon is home to an active but secret un-
derground Rebel starfighter outpost.


The first thing you have to understand is that
most of the eastern sectors are in terrible eco-
nomic shape. The megacorporations are suffering
greatly, after sucking system after system dry of
any usable material. On top of that, I've heard it's
developing a significant Rebel problem, causing all
kinds of havoc.

Now, the Empire has taken an active role in prop-
ping up some systems and sectors. That means
that the better functioning planets are often Im-
perial strongholds. It's working, but it's a stopgap
measure. The main problem is, it's impossible to
rejuvenate a mine that has completely played out.
So, unless someone comes up with a new way to
generate credits, I expect the region to continue its
downward spiral. Even so, there are good credits
to be made if you know where to look.

The downturn's opened the door to criminal organi-
zations like never before in this region. I've heard of
violent turf wars around Bacrana, and that's with the
Imperial fleet in-system. Speaking of, you want to try
to avoid the Imperial staging areas, unless you're an
authorized shipping agent. With the uptick in Rebel
attacks, they're feeling a bit jumpy these days, and
I doubt you can handle too much Imperial scrutiny.

So, that might be the best place to start. Get on with
one of the local criminal syndicates. They're always
searching for good smugglers, hired guns, and boun-
ty hunters. Also, remember a lot of these systems
are essentially company towns. Citizens jump at the
chance to buy legitimate goods not available in com-
pany stores. If you're really clever, you can undercut
the company prices with similar or cheaper goods
from elsewhere. Of course, most companies take a
dim view to competition.
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