Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
The Mid Rim


he Mid Rim opened for colonization after the Ex-
pansion Region's booming growth died down. It is
known as a relatively peaceful and somewhat boring
region of the galaxy. The eastern areas of the region
(within the Slice) developed first, with the northern
and southern regions growing significantly after the
opening of the Hydian Way. The region's eastern side
is significantly wider than the northern and southern
portions. The northern area is barely connected to
the rest of the region. The eastern edge borders Hutt
Space, which intruded into the Mid Rim significantly
at times. Population density is significantly lighter
than any of the interior regions.

Unlike its Coreward neighbor, the Mid Rim enjoyed
a relatively organized and lengthy colonization pe-
riod. While the corporations plundered the Expan-
sion Region, a different type of colonist arrived in the
Mid Rim. Some were idealistic organizations, such
as religious groups or ambitious, radical political
groups. The Mid Rim enjoyed effective governance
and general security, thanks in no small part to the
simultaneous opening of the Outer Rim to coloniza-
tion. Those avoiding or fleeing Republic interference
opted for the more distant Outer Rim, bypassing
Mid Rim worlds completely.


Much of the Mid Rim remains unexplored, or only
nominally surveyed. Inhabited systems tend to be
clustered around the major hyperlanes. While the re-
gion has a reputation for relative peace, the vast open
areas allow pirates to operate more easily than in the
central regions. Pirates have been a major problem in
the region for centuries.
During the Clone Wars, much of the eastern Mid
Rim territory within the Slice was dominated by Sepa-
ratists. The conflict allowed a temporary incursion
of Hutt influence and control. Some areas remained
contested between the two factions for the duration
of the war. Other Separatist space bounded several
of the major hyperlanes. They held the northeastern
end of the Perlemian Trade Route, starting in the out-
er area of the Mid Rim. They held the central stretch
of the Corellian Run and the entirety of the Rimma
Trade Route as it passed through the Inner Rim. Areas
outside of Separatist space were not immune to the
war, as both sides pushed for greater control, by both
political and military means.

Despite the region's substantial Separatist influ-
ence and support during the war, it has been re-
markably loyal to the Empire. The northern stretch-
es had no significant Separatist space, and many

areas and systems in the southern and southeast-
ern portions remained loyal to the Republic, even in
the face of Separatist threats and attacks. Imperial
military efforts to crack down on piracy win a lot
of Mid Rim support. After years of fighting, much
of the Mid Rim enjoys the relative return of peace
under Imperial control.


The following are areas of interest within the Mid Rim,
at or before the rise of the Empire.
Ando: Ando is the water world home of the Aqualish
species, living on small islands and floating cities. Ando
sided with the Separatists in the Clone Wars and is now
ruled by the Empire as a police state.
Bimmisaari: Bimmisaari is the homeworld of the
Bimms, which are two different but peaceful and co-
operative species that share the same name. One
species evolved on Bimmisaari while the other is a
near-Human strain. Bimms are merchants, scholars,
and artists.

Bothawui: Bothawui is the homeworld of the Bothan
species and center of Bothan Space. Some say the
influence of the Bothan Spynet is one of the reasons
for the Mid Rim's long-term peacefulness and stabil-
ity. While Bothawui stays neutral during the Galactic
Civil War, its spynet secretly serves the Rebels.
Boz Pity: Long used as a graveyard world by regional
systems, Boz Pity gained notoriety due to the Outer
Rim Sieges during the Clone Wars. The Confederacy
of Independent Systems kept a significant starfleet in
the system. Regional worlds continue to bring their
dead to Boz Pity.
Centares: Centares is an industrial trade world at the
edge of Inner Rim space, used as a kickoff point for
those headed into the wilder areas of the Outer Rim.
Cerea: Cerea is a relative paradise, peaceful and re-
mote. Cereans live in harmony with nature, while visi-
tors reside in technologically enabled compounds.
Falleen: Falleen is the homeworld of the reclusive
species of the same name. An Imperial world, a major
city on Falleen suffered an Imperial orbital bombard-
ment to stave off and destroy a lethal biological agent
that escaped from an Imperial lab. The Falleen resent
the Empire for these events.
Iridonia: Iridonia is the homeworld of the Zabrak spe-
cies. Due to the extremely harsh environmental condi-
tions, such as hugely powerful storms and lethal seas,
many Zabrak have relocated to other worlds. It was
once the site of a Sith training academy.

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