Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

To hear those from the Core talk, you'd think that the Mid Rim is nothing more than a few slightly interesting
systems scattered amongst the vast unsettled territory. While a lot of Mid Rim residents might share that
assessment, they're quick to point out the region's biggest threat: pirates.
Even with centuries of exploration and colonization, there just hasn't been enough time or people to fully develop
the entire expanse. I would guess a significant portion of the unexplored area of the known galaxy is in the Mid and
Outer Rims. That leaves a lot of room for pirates to operate with little interference, and a lot of places to hide out.
Now, if you're experienced combatants, mercenaries, or private security, I can line you up with a few settle-
ments in need of a little extra firepower. Some of these are just temporary assignments, but a few of them I
bet you could turn into a long-term contract. Remember, though, although some of their problems are local
riffraff, you may end up trading blaster bolts with well-armed raiders.

If you have a decently armed starship, there is no shortage of convoy duties for shipping companies or individual
merchants. It helps if you have a decent reputation. By that I mean a resume they can check up on. Too many of
these ships have been raided by their own escorts over the years.

If you're looking to make some trades or maybe a bit of gambling, I'd recommend heading out to the Wheel
space station. It has the distinction of being devoid of Imperials, though I'd bet ISB keeps more than a few
undercover agents around.

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Ithor: Ithor is the homeworld of the Ithorian species.
They live in herd cities, floating above the surface of their
world, which they consider sacred. Ithor is a center for
botanical and biological based trade, which is extended
through the use of their spacefaring herdships.
Kashyyyk: Kashyyyk, the homeworld of the Wook-
iees, is a world of extremely dense forests, with trees
thousands of meters tall. The Wookiees live mainly
in the treetops, as Kashyyyk's ecology tends to be-
come more lethal the closer one gets to the forest
floor. Kashyyyk was a battleground during the Clone
Wars. After the war, the Empire officially occupied the
planet, enslaving the Wookiees and shipping them
off-world for manual labor and construction projects.

Malastare: Malastare is a world on the Hydian Way
shared by several sentient species, including Gran and
Dugs. The Gran live in urban areas, while the Dugs live
among the trees and wilder lands. The Gran regard and
use the Dugs as a labor force.
Naboo: Naboo is the homeworld of the Gungans, but
largely ruled by a human government. It is the origin
world of Emperor Palpatine, Queeri Amidala, and oth-
ers who played significant roles in the Clone Wars -
and the rise of the Empire. Naboo is a subjugated -

world and features one of Palpatine's private retreats.
However, enemies of the Empire continue their secret
resistance activities.
Ord Mantell: Ord Mantell sought to remain apart
from Imperial interests. It lies at the juncture of two
lesser hyperroutes. See page 361 for information.
Roche: Roche is the home system of the insec-
toid Verpine species, which lives in a massive as-
teroid field. The Empire has virtually enslaved the
Verpine for their expert engineering skills, which
fuel the Imperial military industrial machine. Im-
perials are stationed within the Roche asteroid
field to make sure the Verpine remain in line.

Ruusan: Ruusan is an ordinary world of the Min-
ing Guild with a major role in Jedi history. A mil-
lennium ago, the Sith were essentially destroyed
as a major force in the galaxy for hundreds of
years. The Brotherhood of Darkness was con-
sumed by a thought-bomb at the last battle of
Ruusan during the Light and Darkness War. The
* location is now known as the Valley of the Jedi.

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