Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Ubrikkia: Ubrikkia is the manufacturing center for
the famous Ubrikkian Industries and its subsidiaries.
Repulsorlift vehicles, military craft, droids, and more
come from various Ubrikkian factories.

The Wheel: The Wheel is an aptly named, enormous
wheel-shaped space station located on the Perlemian

Trade Route, known for its casinos and gladiatorial
arenas. Ships of most any size may dock with the sta-
tion. At this time, the Wheel enjoys a special kind of
immunity, and Imperial ships are not allowed to ap-
proach. The station pays taxes to the Empire to main-
tain its current status.

The Outer Rim Territories


he Outer Rim Territories are the outermost official
regions in Known Space. They are by far the most
expansive and least explored areas, a wide swath
of space, tracing the rim three-quarters of the way
around the galaxy. The area's extreme distance from
Coruscant and the Core Worlds has always been both
a great asset and major hindrance to its prosperity,
political fortunes, economic development, and securi-
ty. As with the Republic before it, Imperial control and
influence varies greatly from system to system, and
sector to sector. The region's reputation for lawless-
ness and danger is well deserved, but is often simply
not the case in highly developed systems and sectors.

Despite its remoteness, the Outer Rim has played
a significant role in galactic politics, economics, and
warfare since ancient times well before the origins of
the Republic. The expanding Hutts clashed with the
Tion Hegemony and Xim the Despot before the Perle-
mian Trade Route connected Coruscant to the region.
Since that time, exploration and colonization of the
territories has been irregular and haphazard.

The rate of Outer Rim exploration was closely tied
with the extension of the major hyperlanes into the
furthest reaches of the galaxy. The earliest develop-
ment expanded from the Perlemian Trade Route in
the northeastern quadrant, around the Jedi world
of Ossus and the Tion Hegemony. The presence of
Hutt Space slowed and deterred colonization of the
Slice, driving colonists to seek worlds away from Hutt
influence and interference. Similarly, difficulties with
various Sith and Mandalorian attacks and invasions
disrupted development of the northern area. Explora-
tion picked up in the southern reaches with the exten-
sion of the Rimma Trade Route, the Corellian Trade
Spine, and the Hydian Way.

Republic control over the Outer Rim varied greatly
over the ages, and each system was often responsible
for its own security. Power struggles between regional
factions, isolationist systems, and militant species all
contributed to the difficulties of maintaining order in
the Outer Rim. Beyond that, significant criminal en-
terprises found a great haven in the Outer Rim, some-
times officially sanctioned by corrupt and disreputa-
ble governments and corporations.


Chancellor Palpatine used the Outer Rim as a great
game board in his bid to take total control of the Re-
public. Using the politics of Outer Rim trade conflicts
to propel himself into becoming Chancellor, Palpatine
then orchestrated the Clone Wars through the cre-
ation of the Separatist movement. This enabled him
to oversee the creation of a powerful central govern-
ment and military, to counter the growing Separatist
threat in the Outer Rim.
The Clone Wars greatly disrupted political control in
the Outer Rim. The Hutts took advantage of the situ-
ation to extend Hutt Space to cover more than three
quarters of the Outer Rim portion of the Slice. The Sep-
aratists controlled most of the rest, plus about half of
the northern reaches. They also held a large continuous
region along the Hydian Way and Rimma Trade Route.
After the war, the Empire used its ever-growing mili-
tary might to reestablish control over significant areas
in the Outer Rim. The Hutts were pushed back to their
traditional holdings, more or less. Outer Rim citizens of-
ten welcomed the return of civilized trade and transport.
However, some systems and sectors benefited more than
others. Some felt the oppressive actions all too common
within the Empire. Over time, Imperial political realities,
interference, and military interventions started to wear
thin on the independent-minded Outer Rim residents.
Rebel sympathy generally runs greatest in the
Outer Rim. However, given the hugely diverse civiliza-
tions, species, and geography, there is no consensus.
Worlds that fare extremely well under the Empire en-
thusiastically support Imperial Center. For the most
remote fringe worlds, little has changed with the rise
of the Empire. They must rely on themselves for their
own security and destiny.


The following are areas of interest within the Outer
Rim, at or before the rise of the Empire.
Bakura: Bakura is a self-sufficient, remote world es-
tablished by the Bakura Corporation. It was temporar-

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