Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


ear the planet of Kessel lies a mysterious
cluster of black holes known as the Maw
or the Maw Cluster. Nearly un-navigable, this
region is somewhat unstable and has created
the conditions that make the Kessel Run so
dangerous. However, it is theorized by many
scholars of galactic history that one of the ma-
jor Pre-Hyperspace Era races must have been
involved with the creation of the Maw, for the
placement of the black holes—and the fact
that they have not merged together—strongly
suggests that it is not a natural formation. The
remote nature of the Maw and its nearly inac-
cessible nature has made it attractive to the
Empire, and many secret facilities have been
placed there at the Emperor's command.

ily used as a Separatist headquarters during the Clone
Wars, and recently came under Imperial control.

Barab (Barab I): Barab I is the homeworld of the
reptilian Barabel species. It is currently under Impe-
rial control.
Bespin: Bespin is a gas giant and home to the Tibanna
gas mining colony of Cloud City. The city fell under Sep-
aratist control during the Clone Wars, but now operates
independently. It has popular resorts and casinos.
Christophsis: Christophsis is a crystalline planet that
is still recovering from its role as a major Clone Wars
Colu (Clak'dor VII): Clak'dor VII is the homeworld of
the Bith species. The planet was ecologically destroyed
by civil war, forcing the Bith to live within sealed, domed
cities. Clak'dor VII was a Separatist world.
Dantooine: A world active in the ancient Republic,
with the ruins of an ancient Jedi Academy and train-
ing center. More recently, it housed a secret base of
the Rebel Alliance, but was evacuated after the dis-
covery of an Imperial tracking device in a shipment.

Elrood: Elrood is a major Outer Rim commerce and
manufacturing center.
Eriadu: Eriadu is the capital world of the Seswenna
Sector. It is Grand Moff Tarkin's homeworld, and his
influential family's traditional power base. Eriadu was
loyal to the Republic during the Clone Wars, and an
important center of Imperial power in the Outer Rim.
Endor: Endor is a virtually unknown, remote system.
The Forest (Sanctuary) Moon of the gas giant Endor
has been completely isolated by the Empire.
Felucia: Felucia is a wild, untamed world filled with
dangerous animals and exotic, fungal plants. Felucia
was a major battleground during the Clone Wars.

Gamorr: Gamorr is the homeworld of the Gamorrean
species. The planet is often in a state of war due to the
ever-present squabbling between Gamorrean clans. In
ancient days, it was also the site of a lesser Sith train-
ing facility.
Gand: Gand is the homeworld of the species of the same
name. It is ruled by a totalitarian monarchy. Gand settle-
ments are small colonies separated by dense mists.
The environmental conditions led to the creation of the
Gand Findsmen, who hunted fugitives through the mists.
See page 47 for more information on the Gand.

Geonosis: Ceonosis, homeworld of the insectoid
Geonosian species, is a ringed world, located ex-
tremely close to the Tatooine system. It served as an
early base of operations for the Separatists, and was
the site of the first battle of the Clone Wars. It houses
countless factories beneath its barren surface.
Kessel: Kessel is the legendary location of the Kessel
Run, a treacherous hyperspace route bounded by a
cluster of black holes and used by smugglers to avoid
Imperial patrols around the planet itself. The planet is
an irregularly shaped rock, only known for glitterstim,
which was originally researched for medical uses. Kes-
sel is Imperial controlled, but the illicit trade of glit-
terstim spice still survives. See page 359.
Mon Calamari (Mon Cala, Dac): Mon Calamari is
the homeworld of both the Mon Calamari and the
Quarren species. This water-covered world is currently
enslaved by the Empire, but is on the verge of freeing
itself. The Mon Calamari live on or near the surface in
giant floating cities, while the Quarren come from the
ocean's depths.




he Galaxy chapter covers the broad basics
of the galaxy as a whole, at the time of the
Empire and from a scoundrel's point of view.
It is meant to introduce new players to the
vast, expansive universe from the movies and
stories well beyond. It also serves to remind
longtime fans where recognizable worlds and
regions can be found in the galaxy.

At over 30 years old and counting, Star Wars
stories new and old continue to be popular.
With new novels, graphic novels, fictional ref-
erence books, TV shows, and games releasing
every year, no single source can keep up. Fu-
ture Star Wars roleplaying game products will,
of course, continue to provide more material
about many areas. Hopefully, this chapter will
inspire game masters and players alike to seek
out more information about locations that stir
their interest. It's a big universe.
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