Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Mandalore: Mandalore is the homeworld of the
Mandalorians, an ancient, warrior-based culture. The
Mandalorians once ruled large swaths of the galaxy,
but currently hold little significant power or influence,
aside from their own system and sector.

Mustafar: Mustafar is an obscure, volcanic world
long mined by the Techno Union, The planet was the
final resting place for the Separatist Council after they
were killed by Darth Vader. The planet also saw the
epic battle between Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi. After
the war, the Techno Union was nationalized and Mus-
tafar came under Imperial control.

Polis Massa: This system holds the home asteroid
field of the Polis Massans. The asteroids were mined
via attached habitats and stations. Luke Skywalker
and Leia Organa were born there to Queen Amidala,
after Obi-Wan Kenobi rescued her from Anakin Sky-
walker who had become Darth Vader.

Rodia: Rodia is the homeworld of the Rodian species,
in the Tyrius system. It is a jungle-covered planet, with
huge environmental shields protecting the major cities
from their surroundings. Clan politics dominate Rodian
life, explosively intermingled with their violent culture.

Ryloth: Ryloth is the homeworld of the Twi'lek spe-
cies. The planet is subject to unusual weather and ro-
tational patterns, producing heat storms that warm
the world. Most Twi'leks live underground.
Socorro: This desert world was originally colonized
by Corellian settlers. It is a shadowport with no orga-
nized government, though it has millions of inhabitants.
Smugglers and other outlaws thrive on Socorro. It is
known for its substantial ship customization services.

Sluis Van: Sluis Van is the homeworld of the Sluissi, a
species famous for their technical and starship skills.
Sluis Van is a major Imperial shipyard, guarded by a
series of battle stations.
Sullust: Sullust is the difficult homeworld of the Sul-
lustan species. The lethal fumes produced by Sullust's
volcanos force the Sullustans to live in large, elaborate
underground cave cities and systems. The planet is
dominated by the SoroSuub Corporation, which re-
cently seized control over the system and declared
allegiance to the Empire. Not all Sullustans agree, and
some are turning to the Rebel Alliance or their own
resistance groups.

Taris: Taris is a city-planet important to the ancient
Jedi, Sith, and Mandalorian wars. The planet's influ-
ence and stature has not kept pace through the cen
turies. It is now under Imperial control.

Tatooine: Tatooine is the homeworld of the Jawas
and Sand People (Tusken Raider) species. Tatooine is
a desert world that was home to numerous influential
figures in the galaxy. It remains under Imperial con-
trol after being wrested from the Hutts after the Clone
Wars. Despite this, Jabba the Hutt and his criminal en-
terprise remains a dominant force in planetary affairs.
Teth: Located at the current Rimward edge of Hutt
Space, Teth was taken from Hutt direct control dur-
ing the Clone Wars. The Republic pushed long estab-
lished criminal activity out of the system, and the Em-
pire made Teth the capital of the Baxel Sector and,
nominally, Hutt Space. The Hutts reestablished their
influence via other measures, and the Imperial Moff is
regarded as corrupt.

Telos: Virtually destroyed thousands of years ago by
a Sith fleet, Telos was rebuilt via an extensive Repub-
lic environmental restoration effort. The system was
part of Separatist space during the Clone Wars, and
became a victim of subsequent Imperial atrocities
against the civilian population.
Utapau: Utapau is the homeworld of two intelligent
species, the Pau'ans and the Utai. An isolated world
of deep sinkholes interconnected with caves and cav-
erns, Utapau once housed the Separatist Council,
until they were forced out by the Republic and Jedi
Master Obi-Wan Kenobi killed General Grievous. The
world remains under Imperial control.

Yavin: Yavin is the gas giant for which the moon Yavin
4 is named and orbits. Yavin was the location of the
Rebel's secret main base, until it was discovered by
the Death Star.
Ziost: A central world for the ancient Sith, Ziost was the
site of numerous battles and power struggles. Knowl-
edge of the planet faded over the centuries. However,
after the Clone Wars, Imperial navigation charts anf/
other references to the system were purged.
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