Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
Wild Space and the Unknown Regions

Ilild Space and the Unknown Regions represent
Withe vast interstellar unknown reaches of galactic
space. They are the true frontier. However, just be-
cause they are largely unexplored, that doesn't mean
they are uninhabited. Based on the number of spe-
cies and other civilizations already known through-
out the galaxy, it is a good bet that there are likely
millions more. The Unknown Regions alone could be
hiding expansive interstellar empires of its own. The
term Unknown Regions most often applies to the un-
explored western side of the galaxy, naturally barred
from normal hyperspace travel. Wild Space refers to
areas that have been at least nominally explored,
though it may have been centuries in the past. These
areas are usually scattered around the edges of the
Outer Rim, but there are also pockets within what is
normally regarded as Known Space.


Wild Space has long been the term for minimally ex-
plored areas at the fringes of Known Space. Due to
continuous efforts to explore and colonize system af-
ter system, Wild Space is the ever-changing edge of
the map. Wild Space represents great opportunities
to independent, corporate, and government scouts.
Discovering a new civilization to trade with, or a new
world rich in precious metals and ore, can make the
discoverer famous. While the scouts might get a sub-
stantial bonus for a great find, the real credits are to
be made by the traders and developers to follow.

Wild Space is dangerous. Just getting into Wild
Space can be tricky due to nonexistent or outdated
astrogation data. Initial contact with a new species
rarely goes smoothly, and most scouts aren't fully
equipped diplomatically or officially to deal with the
situation. Plenty of these worlds may be registered as
uninhabited or unknown, but scouts never know when
a lost colony, smuggler's den, or underworld base
might suddenly appear. Such settlements are rarely
happy to be discovered.

During the Clone Wars, Wild Space made for conve-
nient hiding places and staging areas for the Separatists.
With their ties to megacorporations and the various in-
dustrial and mining guilds, they had a wealth of propri-
etary scouting information unavailable to the Republic.
Both during the war and in the dark times afterwards,
desperate refugees sometimes fled into Wild Space.

Initially, the Empire pursued the Separatist refugees
and performed reconnaissance in force to eliminate
some of the larger hideouts and settlements. Now

that the Empire's military and bureaucratic control
over the galaxy has stabilized, it organizes official ex-
ploration missions deep into Wild Space.


Historically, Unknown Regions is the term for unex-
plored space beyond the known worlds. As such, this
area continually shrunk in size as civilization, and the
Republic in particular, expanded through the ages.
The Unknown Regions remain the source of outra-
geous tales and sinister threats. Galactic civilization
views the area as a combination of romantic frontier
and a source of unexpected horror. It is a place that
has produced new threats and reinvigorated old en-
emies for millennia. Before the establishment of the
Republic, in the earliest days of Coruscant, the Raka-
ta Infinite Empire ruled important worlds across the
galaxy, from their home world deep in the modern
day Unknown Regions. During the time of the Old
Republic, Sith and Mandalorian foes long thought
destroyed would periodically reemerge and wreak
havoc on the galaxy.

The modern day boundaries of the Unknown Re-
gions were established with the discovery of a great
tangle of hyperspace anomalies, forming a barrier
that splits the galaxy virtually in two. The tangle
makes hyperspace travel extremely difficult or im-
possible. Though its origins are debatable, it has
been a natural obstacle to galactic exploration and
development for millennia. Survey missions and
other efforts to find reliable routes are at best slow
and dangerous.

However, passage is not completely impossible. The
Republic sent a well-supported, long-term expedition
in the form of the Outbound Flight project. Like the
majority of such efforts, it ended in disappearance
and disaster. Travelers also occasionally arrive from
the other side, though their appearance is often vio-
lent and aggressive.

During the Clone Wars, official exploration efforts
largely ceased, with Republic scouts distracted by
the war. Government-sponsored exploration began
anew with the Empire, in an effort to expand Imperial
space, exploit new resources or worlds, and search
for any sign of rebel activity. Rebel efforts to use the
Unknown Regions as a base of operations are mini-
mal, due to the resources and time needed to find
suitable locations.

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