Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


The following are areas of interest within the Un-
known Regions and Wild Space, at or before the rise
of the Empire.

Hum: Located in the Unknown Regions in the north-
west quadrant of the galaxy, Hum is a world origi-
nally held secret by the Jedi. Under the mountains
of this icy world lie caves holding Hum crystals. Jedi
used these crystals in their lightsabers, usually giving
them a blue or green color. The world is now moni-
tored by Imperial droids, who keep a watchful eye
for any surviving Jedi or other Force users returning
for the crystals.

Kamino: The homeworld of the Kaminoans, this was
the source of the Republic's Clone armies during the
Clone Wars. The water-covered world is still under
strict Imperial control. Kamino is an extra-galactic
system. It is located in an area of Wild Space beyond
the Outer Rim, in a dwarf satellite galaxy near the
Rishi Maze.

Unknown World (Rakata Prime, Lehon): This home-
world of the Rakata species was the center of the an-
cient Infinite Empire, which once spanned the galaxy.
Now, however, the planet is long abandoned, save for
the relics and ruins that dot the beaches and oceans
of its surface.

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