Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
Hutt Space


mong the oldest civilizations in the galaxy are the
Hutts. Controlling a large region of space along the
Mid Rim and Outer Rim border in the Slice, the Hutts
have been a fixture of galactic politics, criminality, and
gamesmanship for thousands of years. The borders of
Hutt Space fluctuated greatly over the centuries, ex-
panding and contracting in accordance with the bal-
ance of power between the Hutts and the surrounding
governments. After a brief expansion of territory before
and during the Clone Wars, the Hutts lost control of
many Coreward sectors and systems in the Mid Rim, as
well as some trailing sectors in the Outer Rim. The ma-
jority of official Hutt Space currently rests in the Outer
Rim within the Slice, though their influence extends to
sectors, systems, and governments far beyond.

The Hutts were among the earliest interstellar ex-
plorers and colonists in the galaxy. Expanding out-

wards from their homeworld of Varl, their colonies
thrived thanks to their own cunning, determination,
and the enslavement of species they discovered in
their path. Their first encounters with humans were in
the ancient Tion Cluster, and their first suitable rival
was Xim the Despot.

The Hutts soon had their own problems, in the
form of a civil war. Their homeworld and many colo-
nies were utterly destroyed. The survivors moved
to Evocar, renamed it Nal Hutta, and established
the Council of Elders to limit future conflicts. Af-
terwards, the Hutts sought power and influence
through means other than strictly military mea-
sures. Through the centuries, the Hutts would in-
fluence corporations, governments, and criminal
empires throughout the Republic.


Now, you must be crazy if you're talking to me about Wild Space and the Unknown Regions. You know
the difference, right? Wild Space refers to known but lightly explored regions within the galaxy proper,
especially at the edges of the spiral arms. The Unknown Regions are just a blank space. People mix them
all the time, but they're not the same.
Sections of Wild Space can be found most anywhere in the galaxy, but most of the time, people mean
those areas at the periphery of the Outer Rim and elsewhere. Every so often, someone, maybe a govern-
ment or large corporation, will send an expedition into one of those zones. Once in a while it's a group of
dedicated colonists.
The Unknown Regions is a different animal entirely. There's a reason galactic civilization has developed on
one side of the galaxy for millennia. It's called the hyperspace tangle. You see, while everyone's looked for
centuries for a usable hyperlane like the Hydian Way, it just doesn't seem to exist on the western side
of the disk. The main reason is that hyperspace seems to be tied in knots, forming a nearly impassible
barrier between Known Space and the Unknown Regions. Even when someone finds a route through the
tangle, it doesn't stay stable for long.

If you're going to the Unknown Regions, you'll need the best astrogator and the best astrogation equip-
ment you can buy. Are you a trained scout? If not, you better hire someone. Everything I said about fending
for yourself in the Outer Rim goes triple in the Unknown Regions. If you can find your way in, there's little
telling what you'll discover.
As to what you'll find beyond the barrier, that's anyone's guess. You heard the legends and stories as
much as I have. Ancient Sith strongholds? Maybe. Force-using pirates? Sure, why not. Planet sized fac-
tories spewing ready-made starfighters and battle cruisers? Well, if you find that one, I'll help you start
a bidding war between the Rebels, the Empire, and the Hutts. Some say you can even find the legendary
home world of the ancient Infinite Empire.
Now, I've known a few foolhardy souls who've tried their luck at the Unknown Regions. You know how many
came back? Two, and that's because they were lucky enough to survive a hyperspace mishap while trying
to penetrate the barrier. I don't know what happened to the rest. Maybe they died in the attempt, found
something carnivorous on the other side, or found something they liked better than being in civilized space.
For all I know, they might come walking through that door in the next five minutes, but I wouldn't bet on it.
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