Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Hutts and smugglers, they're just a natural pair-
ing, aren't they? Working for the Hutts is lucrative
but dangerous. The more you work for one Hutt,
the more entrenched you become in his business.
That might mean more credits, and maybe ris-
ing up some sort of power structure, but a Hutt
will expect loyalty in return. Freelancing for other
Hutts and especially hated rivals are a good way
to find a big bounty on your head. If you are un-
comfortable with that notion, don't work for them.

Now, just about every kind of smuggling operation
can be had, if you can find the right Hutt. Spice,
weapons, contraband, stolen starships—anything
you like. If you're a specialist, if you're really good,
and you stay bought, you'll find your reputation and
pay rise quickly.
Hutt Space is certainly their center of power. You'll
find their fingerprints on operations all over the
Outer Rim. However, their reach goes far beyond
their home sectors. With the right connections,
they can influence most any corporation or govern-
ment across the galaxy. How much pressure they
can exert varies greatly, of course, but if the Hutt in
question doesn't have a direct connection, I'm sure
he can find one quickly.

Jobs in Hutt Space are pretty easy to come by.
Keeping yourselves from drowning in intrigue is
the real trick. I've got a few pointers for you.

One, stay away from jobs dealing with the Boonta
area. You're not likely to be offered any from the
Hutts, unless you're a Hutt yourself, so that's not
the issue. No, sometimes other interests will at-
tempt to hire smugglers to penetrate the area. If
you're caught, you're likely to end up in the slave
pits, if you live. If you succeed, and word gets out,
even escaping to the Unknown Regions won't stop
their bounty hunters.

If you're looking to avoid working directly for the
Hutts, go ahead and make a trip to Nar Shaddaa.
There are plenty of other galactic interests in
play there. Other good meeting places are Kwenn
Space Station and Sriluur. Lots of interstellar
traffic makes for a lot of intersecting interests.


The Hutts made treaties with the Republic establish-
ing boundaries at the Coreward edge of the galaxy. As
Hutt Space does not intersect with any of the great
hyperroutes, they created many within their own re-
gion. The Hutts also established secret routes into
the Republic. They have never truly recovered from
the loss of their one-time Republic trade route to Nal
Hutta and its moon Nar Shaddaa. A supernova and its
effects made the route impassible.

In the years before the Clone Wars, Hutt influence
extended into traditional Republic and neutral ter-
ritory. The Hutts took full advantage of Republic
corruption and conflicts between the Separatist
systems to gain economic and territorial ground,
especially in the Expansion Region, Mid, and Outer
Rim. Their Outer Rim expansion reached the sys-
tems along the Corellian Run, including Tatooine
and Ryloth.

Hutt Space contracted greatly as the Empire ex-
erted renewed political and military power over the
traditionally Republic sectors. Nominally, the Hutts
are Imperial subjects, with Hutt Space under Impe-
rial control and ruled from the Rimward Teth system.
In reality, the Hutts largely govern their own affairs
and their worlds, and the Empire allows them to do
so. While there are occasional shows of force, or pro-
tracted political battles, they are often merely po-
litical theater. As long as the Hutts continue to be
a source of lucrative tax income, and they do not
support the Rebel Alliance within their borders, the
Empire tolerates their semi-autonomous status.


The following are areas of interest within Hutt Space,
at or before the rise of the Empire.
Boonta: Boonta is a region of closely located inhab-
ited systems in the center of Hutt Space, protected
by otherwise rarely seen Hutt warships. It is closed to
most outsiders.
Cyax: Cyax is a star system considered taboo and sa-
cred by the Hutts. They do not speak of it, and keep
its location off of their official star charts.
Klatooine: Klatooine is the homeworld of the Klatoo-
inian species. It was conquered by the Hutts prior to
the establishment of the Republic.
Kleeva (Boonda's Moon): Boonda's Moon orbits
the gas giant Kleeva, and houses a droid factory that
serves as one of the Hutts' best-recognized legiti-
mate businesses.

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