Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Kwenn Space Station: Kwenn is a large space sta-
tion at the current Coreward edge of Hutt Space in
the slice, known for the Royal K Casino. It is visited by
travelers and Imperial military vessels alike, and is the
entry system to the Ootmian Pabol hyperlane.
Nal Hutta: Once called Evocar, Nal Hutta became
the Hutt's adopted home world at the expense of the
native Evocii species. The Hutt Grand Council meets
here. See page 360 for more information.
Nar Shaddaa: Called the Smuggler's Moon, Nal
Hutta's city-moon is infamous for its lax laws and
impressive criminal connections. See page 360 for
more information.

Ootmian Pabol: Ootmian Pabol is a major Hutt
Space hyperlane, connecting Nal Hutta to Kwenn and
into the Empire and Inner Rim via Ubrikkia.
Pabol Hutta: Pabol Hutta is a major Hutt Space hy-
perlane, connecting Nal Hutta, Varl, and Sleheyron
to the periphery region at the current northernmost
point of Hutt Space.

Shag Pabol: This is a major Hutt Space hyperlane,
connecting Nal Hutta and Ylesia to the Outer Rim
world of Teth, Rimward of Hutt Space.
Sleheyron: Sleheyron is one of the most powerful
trade worlds in Hutt Space, deeply entrenched in Hutt
intrigue and politics, and able to exert extensive eco-
nomic power.
Sriluur: Sriluur is the homeworld of the Weequay, and
is currently under Imperial control. Regardless, the
planet remains a favorite meeting place for smugglers
and others with business in the area.
Toydaria: This is the homeworld of the Toydarians,
long time servants of the Hutts. Toydaria exports
foodstuffs and provides recreational activities and re-
sorts for the Hutts.
Ylesia: Ylesia holds glitterstim spice mining and pro-
cessing operations, which uses slave labor.
Varl: Varl is the original Hutt homeworld. It remains
sacred to them, though its surface was essentially de-
stroyed in an ancient civil war. It is well protected from

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