Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

colony (see below). Farana and most of its nearby
colony systems have never been part of the Re-
public or Empire.
Kalla: Kalla is home of the University of Kalla, the
Corporate Sector's premier educational institution.
The Empire maintains an observation post and base
in system.
Lythos: Lythos is a heavily exploited system of four-
teen worlds. It is a center of agriculture and mining.
Maryo: Maryo is an oceanic world, well known in the
Corporate Sector for its wild and varied markets. It is
a favorite destination for the extremely wealthy.

Mytus: Mytus holds Stars' End, a highly secure prison
facility controlled by the CSA, for profit. Mytus is actu-
ally located in Wild Space and kept separate from the
Corporate Sector for political reasons, as well as truth-
ful denials about its existence in Imperial or CSA space.



formerly highly secret prison facility located
in the Mytus system of the Corporate Sector,
Stars' End serves as a destination for hardened
criminals, political prisoners, and anyone who
sufficiently angers the Corporate Sector Au-
thority. The prison is a massive tower holding
thousands of stasis booths—prisoners' cells,
keeping them silent and frozen in time, a handy
way to prevent riots and escape attempts. In
addition. Stars' End possesses formidable de-
fenses ranging from turbolaser batteries to an
on-station Marauder-class corvette.

One successful escape from Stars' End oc-
curred in 2 BBY, when the smuggler Han Solo
organized a rescue of his partner, the Wookiee
Chewbacca, as well as several more unjustly im-
prisoned citizens. The escape nearly destroyed
the entire complex. Stars' End has since been
repaired and rebuilt, although greatly lacking
one of its greatest shields—secrecy.

Ocsin: Ocsin is actually a colony of the Ocsin. The CSA
recently annexed the system into the Corporate Sector,
offering technological help in exchange for the rich Wild
Space navigational data Ocsin scouts have compiled.
Reltooine: Reltooine is the first Corporate Sector
system on the Hydian Way. It is mainly a tourist at-
traction, thanks to the gas giant's spectacular rings
and moons.
Saclas: Saclas is a rough-and-tumble Ocsin colony. It
is a favorite meeting place for merchants and smug-
glers who want to avoid too much CSA contact.

Tiran: Tiran is the capital world of Tirani Space, a
small area adjacent to the Corporate Sector. The Ti-
rani have rebuffed recent CSA offers of annexation,
leading to armed conflicts and outright invasion and
seizure of some worlds by the CSA.


The Corporate Sector? The first thing you have
to realize with the Corporate Sector is that de-
spite the stories, the Corporate Sector Author-
ity doesn't actually own and operate every single
business and operation. Just almost all of it.
There are plenty of small-time independent oper-
ators and lesser corporations doing business ev-
ery day out there. It's just a lot harder for them.
They're often subject to seemingly random fees,
taxes, and whatever else the CSA can dream up
to drain a few more credits out of them.

The funny thing about the Corporate Sector is how
insulated it is from the galaxy. Sure, they get ga-
lactic news and are subject to Imperial decrees,
but their local problems and CSA regulations
make it feel like an entirely separate entity. Aside
from whatever they can sell to the rest of the gal-
axy, they are simply too caught up in their own
affairs to worry too much about galactic issues.

Now, the smuggling opportunities are similar
to other areas of the galaxy with restricted
goods. However, your best bet here is to get
some reliable info on whatever gadget, food-
stuff, drink, entertainment, or object can't be
found at a decent price out there. Despite the
Espos' best efforts, there's still a thriving black
market for people looking to avoid the steep
company prices on everything.

There are also occasional opportunities to work
for the CSA directly. I would avoid those. They
won't be fair, and you'll soon find you run up
some kind of unexpected debt or penalty difficult
to pay off or avoid. It's a bit like working for the
underworld, in that respect.

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