Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Shadowport juggernauts Nar Shaddaa and Kwenn
Space Station are favorite destinations in Hutt Space.
Tatooine, Terminus, Bespin, and Socorro are a few of
the better known ports in the Outer Rim. Even the Core
Worlds are not immune, with the once reliable Abrega-
do-rae sliding into the realm of shadowy dealings. In
truth, no one knows how many shadowports exist, as
most rely on some form of secrecy for their continued
operation. While the mega shadowports benefit from
their notoriety, there are far more, smaller ports known
only to their local patrons, smugglers, and criminals.

While major shadowports host a vast array of illegal
activities and contraband, smaller ports tend to spe-
cialize in local needs. At a minimum, they are excellent
meeting places for those who wish to avoid regulatory
complications. Most rely on smuggling in some form, as
enabler and purchaser. Some shadowports include star-
ship repair and upgrade services, useful for those requir-
ing clandestine repairs or illegal upgrades to their ships.
Though relatively safe from government agents, shadow-
ports are highly dangerous. Owners and operators are al-
ways on guard, protecting the operation from agents and
rivals. Large criminal enterprises run many shadowports,
posing a danger to any who challenge their control, or
simply disposing of anyone they feel is a threat.


The Slice is the vast, wedge-shaped region of the
galaxy between the Perlemian Trade Route and the
Corellian Run. Like regions, the Slice is largely a geo-
graphic designation and not a political division. No
one controls the Slice.
The Slice extends from the Core Worlds all the way to
the edge of the galaxy, and was the heart of galactic

exploration and development for millennia. Almost every
usable world has been mapped and explored from the
Expansion to the Core Worlds. Beyond the Expansion
Region, the volatility of Hutt Space and the vastness of
the Outer Rim means that there are still worlds to be dis-
covered, developed, and exploited. Galactic exploration
flowed along the Perlemian and the Corellian Run, and
turned towards the inner reaches of the Slice. Aside from
the Outer Rim and portions of the Expansion Region, a
large network of hyperroutes ties the region together.


The Tion Cluster lies on the Perlemian Trade Route in
the Outer Rim. It formed an early connection with the
Republic that helped spur development of the Perle-
mian much farther into the galaxy than any other early
hyperroute. Home to one of the most ancient Human
societies, it was first colonized by sleeper ships from
Coruscant. Given the difficulties of hyperspace travel at
that time, the region became isolated and their origins
forgotten. They developed their own hyperdrive sys-
tem, based on a "lighthouse network" of beacons. The
society produced the legendary Xim the Despot, who
eventually fell in battle with the Hutts. The Tionese also
fought with Coruscant, with battles and skirmishes all
along the Perlemian Trade Route. The Hutts eventually
intervened, attacking the Tionese with such ferocity
that they sought protection from the Core Worlds.

Within the cluster lies the Tion Hegemony, a group of
twenty-seven systems remote and uninteresting enough
to avoid direct Imperial control. As such, it supports a va-
riety of illegal and semi-legal operations. It is a favorite, if
distant, home for smugglers and criminals.
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