Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Astronavigation Data: Bespin sys-
tem, Anoat Sector, Outer Rim region

Orbital Metrics: 5,110 days per
year / 1 2 hours per day

Government: guild

Population: 6 million (Humans
68%, Ugnaughts 8%. Lutrillians
6%, other 18%)
Languages: Basic

Terrain: gas clouds

Major Cities: Cloud City (capital),
Tibannopolis (semi-abandoned), Ug-
naught Surface
Areas of Interest: Life Zone

Major Exports: Tourism, Tibanna gas, cloud cars
Major Imports: consumables, industrial goods

Trade Routes: Corellian Trade Spine, Corellian Run

Special Conditions: Type I atmosphere (breathable)
only in band of the Life Zone
Background: In a universe full of rarities, Bespin still
manages to stand apart. With no livable surface area,
gas giants are rarely worth colonizing. Bespin, how-
ever, contains a resource so valuable it makes any ex-
pense in colonization viable: Tibanna gas. Tibanna gas
serves several purposes in galactic technology. One
refined version is a potent hyperdrive coolant, while
another version can be used with weaponry.

Blaster packs are filled with compressed gases
which, when excited, emit a bolt of searing energy.
Of the half-dozen gases available on the market, spin-'
sealed Tibanna gas is one of the most powerful (and
expensive), as it quadruples energy output of a blaster
pack. Safest when used in heavy weapons, spin-sealed
Tibanna gas still finds its way into personal weaponry.'

This fortune in Bespin's clouds led to a host of re-
pulsorlift cities inhabiting the "Life Zone," a band of
breathable atmosphere 30 kilometers deep. The
zone is also home to immense beldons which graze
on clouds of phosphorescent algae, packs of velkers
which prey on the beldons, and rawwk bats which
scavenge on anything that remains.

Bespin's capital. Cloud City, was constructed by the
entrepreneur Ecclessis Figg, who planned to conceal his
illegal mining operations of Tibanna for blaster weap-
ons with a veneer of legitimate business. To this end he
touted his city as a luxury resort and coolant mining
operation. Years later, under control of Baron Adminis-
trator Lando Calrissian. the "cover" has become reality;

tourism is one of Cloud City's major industries. Under
Calrissian's rule, Cloud City has risen in prosperity to
remain as Bespin's undisputed capital.
Although Cloud City is Bespin's largest city, there are
communities making credits mining Tibanna gas. The
largest, Tibannopolis has seen a reversal in mining for-
tunes in the last decades. Now, mostly abandoned, it
drifts aimlessly. One of the other floating communities
of note is the so-called "Ugnaught Surface," a floating
platform whose surface is landscaped to mimic the sur-
face of the Ugnaughts' homeworld of Gentes.
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