Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

Astronavigation Data: Corellian system,
Corellian Sector, Core region
Orbital Metrics: 329 days per year / 25.
hours per day
Government: republic
Population: 3 billion (Humans 60%, Drall
20%, Selonians 20%)
Languages: Basic

Terrain: forests, hills, plains

Major Cities: Coronet (capital),
Kor Vella, Tyrena

Areas of Interest: Treasure Ship Row, Corona
House, The Gold Beaches, Selonian tunnels
Major Exports: starships, alcohol, consumables
Major Imports: weaponry, raw materials, luxury
Trade Routes: Corellian Trade Spine, Corellian Run
Special Conditions: none
Background: When it comes to starships. buyers
can rely on three rules: if you want quality, trust the
starshipwrights of Fondor; if you want to impress, buy
Kuati; if you need speed, go Corellian. Thrust, accel-
eration, and hyperspace velocity are the major design
concerns of any Corellian shipbuilder, from the mom-
and-pop outfits who customize light freighters, to the
galactic renowned Corellian Engineering Corporation.

Speed is not just a feature of Corellian engines, it's
also in every Corellian's genes. They are people who
are always on the move; whether it be jetting off to a
remote star system without warning or letting their wee
ones take joyrides on swoops. Corellians are renowned
throughout the galaxy as having "rocket fuel for blood."
However, theirs is a restlessness without malice; a Corel-
lian's heart is his true engine, passion his accelerant.
This propensity to act before thinking has jump-started
the career of billions of Corellian smugglers and scouts,

and has also made many Corellians such as Solo and
Antilles household names.
Some popular sociologists claim that Corellian bold-
ness stems from their origins as an orphan race of hu-
mans, since no archaeological trace of a pre-industrial,
primitive culture has been found on the planet. That,
plus the fact that Corellia's system sports five habitable
planets (Corellia, Drall, Selonia, Talus, and Tralus), and
an ancient, massive space station called Centerpoint,
lends an air of mystery and romance to Corellia.

With its history of starhoppers, spaceship engineers,
and two-bit smugglers, one may expect that the planet
Corellia is itself a junkyard of burnt-out engines and
non-recyclable conduit housing. This could not be fur-
ther from the truth. Corellia is a lush world of forests and
farmlands, ice-capped mountains and golden beaches.
Its capital, Coronet, is a bustling, lively city, with all the
amenities of any metropolis in the galaxy and the kinds
of bars and brothels you can find on Nar Shaddaa.
Corellians love to mix their spiced ale with a good fist-
fight, then go home to sleep it off in a comfortable bed,
so as to be ready for another round the next day.

Corellia's independence was at a nadir when the
Republic fell. Palpatine had no patience for Corellian
intransigence and swiftly turned the system's ruler,
the Diktat, into a puppet of an Imperial Moff. Unlike
Fondor, however, the Empire has not been able to
completely nationalize Corellia's shipyards and engi-
neering corps.



he most prestigious of Corellia's national
prizes are "bloodstripes," yellow or red piping
stitched down the trouser legs. Corellia's govern-
ment and military award them for heroic displays
of bravery, done with the knowledge that such
action requires great sacrifice. For a people who
prefer to shoot first and ask questions later, mo-
ments of deliberation are valued highly.
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