Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
Nal Hutta

Astronavigation Data:
YToub system, Hutt.Space,
Mid Rim region •

Orbital Metrics: 41 3 days per
year / 87 hours per day

Government: clans

Population: 7 billion (Hutts
43%, Humans 28%, Vippits
15%, Evocii and other 14%)

Languages: Huttese

Terrain: forests, swamps

Major Cities: Bilbousa (capital),
Qedriga. Jiguuna

Trade Routes: Pabol Hutta, Ootmian Pabol, Shag Pabol

Special Conditions: breath masks for the sensitive

Background: In Huttese, Nal Hutta means "glorious
jewel," though few visitors other than Hutts would
eyer agree. Tepid swamps cover the surface, mak-
ing for sumptuous conditions for the moisture-loving
Hutts. That most species cannot stomach the environ-
ment is no concern; the Hutts know they are in charge
when others suffer in their presence.

Nal Hutta was not always a bog. When the Hutts
homeworld of Varl fell to plague and cataclysm fifteer
millennia ago. they had their slaves hunt the stars
for a planet that would fit their, needs. The one thev
found possessed an indigenous people who callec
themselves the Evocii. and their world Evocar. The
Hutts possessed formidable military power, and with
in a few years, the Hutts had transformed the worlc
into a paradise for their species.

Currently, rivalries between Hutt clans have dividec
up Nal Hutta. with the choicest and foulest swamps
controlled by the most powerful clan at the time. Pos-
session of these locales frequently changes, since nc
Hutt is ever satisfied with the status quo. This leaves
Nal Hutta a festering bed of intrigue, with constanl
political scheming punctuated by bouts of small-scale
conflict between indentured warriors/Straying frorr
or somehow cheating the strict rules of the combal
can lead to banishment by the Council of Elders, com
pelling combatants to find new ways to conceal olc
tricks in their quest for victory.

Areas of Interest: Hutt palaces. Nar
Shaddaa (moon)

Major Exports: tourism, contraband
Major Imports: consumables, luxury
goods, technology

Although nominally under Imperial control, Nal
Hutta remains almost entirely independent. The Hutt
Dhilosophies encourage avoiding conflict when one can
prevail through other means. They are perfectly happy
:o allow the Empire to claim dominance, knowing that
;heir stranglehold on regional economics is real power.


flar Shaddaa, the largest moon of Nal Hutta.
Ilonce resembled the planet it orbited, with
boundless jungles and the bluest oceans. Those
features disappeared within centuries of the
Hutts' appearance in the YToub system. Over the
centuries. Nar Shaddaa became a city from pole-
to-pole, so overbuilt with spires and spacedocks
that residents referto it as "Little Coruscant." No
matter how close it is to the system's sun. Nar
Shaddaa seems to be in a state of perpetual
gloom, smogged over from engine exhaust and
refueling depots. It has become the perfect place
for Hutts to conduct their shady deals.

Smugglers come to Nar Shaddaa in droves,
looking for employment, gainful or otherwise.
Every Hutt has a scheme, and their up-front
pay, meager though it may seem, can be
tempting to those down on their luck.
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