Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
Ord Mantell

Astronavigation Data: Bright Jewel systei
Bright Jewel Sector, Mid Rim region

Orbital Metrics: 394 local days in a year
26 standard hours in a day

Government: republic with elected governor

Population: 4 billion (varied species)
Languages: Basic

Terrain: mesas, plains, mountains, islands

Major Cities: Worlport (capital), hreelonn, bavroia \
Areas of Interest: Ten. Mile Plateau, Lady
Fate Casino
Major Exports: entertainment, tourism, manu-
factured goods •
Major Imports: consumables, raw materials
Trade Routes: Celanon Spur, Entralla Route (con-
nects to Muunilin'st)
Special Conditions: none
Background: Ord Mantell is a spacer's paradise. Scoun-
drels and smugglers are welcomed with open arms.
Such a concoction of vice and criminality would seem to
make the world ungovernable, and indeed Ord Mantell
borders on the. brink of lawlessness, but that's been the
case since the planet's colonization by Corellians.
Originally an Ordnance/Regional Depot for the Old
Republic, which gave it the prefix "Ord," the world could
never shake loose its Corellian bad habits. Now Mantel-
Nans—a collective term for the world's various inhabit-
ants—pride themselves on their "relaxed attitude." Over
the millennia, this open society has attracted all manner
of individuals, .from tax-evaders and traders to loners
and ne'er-do-wells. Open-air markets sell almost any-
thing, and in seedy cantinas transport can be secured
for illicit cargo. Nothing is truly illegal on Ord Mantell.
and the only tax that is levied is one to vote. For if any-
thing rules Ord Mantell, it's the mighty credit.

The planetary governors and representatives are
notorious for taking bribes and legislating favors. Do-
nate enough and one can get away with anything.
Courts respect the rights and privileges of bounty
hunters, as they see them as a free-market approach
to law enforcement. This is not to say the streets of
Worlport or Savroia are deathtraps. Cities and casinos
contract private security firms for police duty, consid-
ering the safety of the millions of tourists who come
each year on gambling holidays their main priority.

Beyond the betting strips are stretches ofjunk:
yards, factories, and strip mines. Farther out along
the continental shores linger small fishing, religious,
and agricultural communities, which prefer not to be
bothered by outlanders and try to remain isolated.
A thousand other star systems offer many of the
same temptations, though few of them are blessed
with Ord Mantell's location. Situated at the end of the
Entralla Route, Ord Mantell serves as the turn onto
the Celanon Spur. Only the fastest navicomputers can
make the course correction without leaving hyper-
space, making Ord Mantell an obvious stop over.

The Empire permits Ord Mantell its veneer of inde-
pendence, relying on blackmailing the planetary gov-
ernor rather than outright subjugation. Mantellians,
however, are seeing more and more Imperial storm-
troopers in their cities. Imperials fear that Ord Man-
tell may become a hideaway for pockets of the Rebel-
lion, and they keep an eye on the planet with fleet
maneuvers and a gradual build-up of ground forces.



he Lady Fate Casino on Worlport's main drag
has lured billions of off-worlders through its
doors and relieved untold credits from their pock-
ets. Real gamblers, however, would not be seen
spinning Lady Fate's jubilee wheels. The friendli-
est casinos for the gamblers are located in the
side streets and alleys. The Chance Cube in Free-
lonn, Lucky Detooa's in Savroia, or Throw Me a
Bone on Worlport's Century Lane have some ol
the highest payouts along the Celanon Spur.
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