Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


Astronavigation Data: Tatoo system, Arkanis
Sector, Outer Rim region

Orbital Metrics: 304 local days in a year / 23
standard hours in a day

Government: local councils under nominal'
Imperial governor
Population: 200,000 (Humans 70%, Jawas
5%, Tusken Raiders 5%, others 20%, popula-
tions are rough estimates only)
Languages: Basic, Jawa, Tusken, Huttese
Major Terrain: desert
Major Cities:. Bestine (capital), Anchorhead, Fort
Tusken,- Mos Espa, Mos Eisley
Areas of Interest: Jundland Wastes, Beggar's Can-
yon, Jabba's Palace
Major Exports: minerals, illegal goods
Major Imports: consumables, technology, chemi-
cals, water
Trade Routes: Triellus Trade Route
Special Conditions: none
Background: "Miserable," "speck," "dust ball"—those
are a few of the terms used to describe the'desert world of
Tatooine. Though it appears barren, it is far from lifeless.
Scattered about its desolate surface are settlements of
some of the galaxy's most obstinate individuals. Intracta-
ble moisture farmers perversely sweat gallons to squeeze
water from the air and sand. Giant sandcrawlers travel-
ing across the dune seas house communities of diminu-
tive Jawas. Wrapped head-to-toe in desert coverings.

the Tusken
Raiders of the
Jundland Wastes attack settlements when the numbers
are to their advantage, and otherwise roam the most
inhospitable regions atop hardy banthas.
Tatooine's arid terrain alternates between tractless
dune seas, jagged rock wastes, and sharp-toothed moun-
tains. These mountains are the hunting ground of some
of Tatooine's most dangerous predators, the gigantic
krayt dragons. These terrifying creatures are feared and
hunted in equal measure, as the pearls in their gizzard
are very valuable. The dunes also host vicious predators
such as the sessile Sarlaac that consumes its prey and
digests them over thousands of years.
It is easy to land on Tatooine, but .once stuck, it
takes a heroic feat to get off. Villains of all stripes
come to this desert believing they can hide from their
enemies. Thus, bounty hunters are never at a loss for
jobs, and many have made their name here, such as
Jodo Kast and Puggles Trod.d.
Sheer distance from the Core has not lessened Ta-
tooine's role in galactic history. Situated on the Triellus
Trade Route near Geonosis, Tatooine's proximity to the
Corellian Run poses it as a lucrative side jump for hardy.
traders. While the planet has never been the center of
events, it always seems to maintain a certain disrepu-
table prominence in the affairs of the Outer Rim.
During its reign, the Empire has installed a number
of governors to watch over the lawless world, and
most do just that—watch. The Hutts are the true mas-
ters of Tatooine, with Jabba as their head. The vast
number of miscreants in the population makes Tatoo-
ine a treasure trove of rumors and secrets.



he city is a warren of pourstone houses and
dusty streets, hemmed in by walls that trap the
heat. The stench of dewback. ronto. and bantha
can be overpowering, so denizens sometimes
strap on a breath mask when leaving their homes.
Otu Dels Custom Pods and Swoops caters to the
racers wanting to thread "the Needle" in Beg-
gar's Canyon, and many a deal can be found at
Geordi Hans's Spaceport Speeders southeast of
Docking Bay 94, especially on T-l 6 skyhoppers.
Jabba owns a townhouse in the center of the city,
mostly to serve as a tribute center and residence
for favored guests of the Hutt. When looking for
information or a fast ship, step into Chalmun's
Cantina. There one can always find a selection of
the galaxy's most interesting species.
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