Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1



"The regional governors now have direct control over
their territories. Fear will keep the.locaisystems in line."
-Grand Moff Tarkin


his chaptef\pWs what the galaxy is like for the Player
Characters in the time of Emperor Palpatine. Alderaan
is gone, and so is its instrument of destruction, the Death
Star. The Rebel Alliance is now a credible threat to the
promised order of the Empire, yet Palpatine's will remains
dominant throughout most of the civilized systems. Moffs
and governors implement his policies, while the many
intelligence and military assets he commands—often
through the direction of his apprentice, Darth Vader—en-
force his edicts and expand his power.

Despite these overwhelming odds, the very vast-
ness of the Empire's holdings make it quite possible
for the crafty and the lucky to make their way and
garner a few credits here and there. It is the wise, how-
ever, who learn all they can about which factions are
responsible for what, as well as how the law works
wherever they go.
The wise, as might be expected, tend to live the longest.

The Galactic Empire


he dominant influence on the galaxy, the Galactic
Empire shapes the daily lives of every being on every
planet, and all of the places between. Such control is
^accomplished through an elaborate network of military
might and bureaucratic sophistry, incorporating both .es-
tablished organizations and new factions. Through fear

and strictly enforced policies of efficiency, the system
works for the most part.
However, there are plenty of holes of which to take
advantage, which is how anyone choosing to live out-
side of the law enjoys what little freedom there is.

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