Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


The Empire's structure is pyramidal in nature, with Em-
peror Palpatine firmly ensconced at the pinnacle. Sur-
rounded by hand-picked advisors and servants cho-
sen from the elite of all services, he projects his plans
directly through this pyramid of control. He does so
using a wholly re-purposed HoloNet (as per the "Tar-
kin Doctrine," put forth by the late commander of the
Death Star) and through direct dispatches he delivers
through Darth Vader and other trusted servants.


The Grand Moffs exist under the Emperor in position
and status, and are individuals of political and mili-
tary might that are most invested in the New Order.
They are granted extraordinary power and wealth in
exchange for controlling the most difficult regions of
the galaxy. These realms of control are called priority
sectors, and they may or may not conform to long-es-
tablished sector structures. Planets and systems from
any number of connected areas may be reapportioned
to a priority sector, primarily for the purpose of enforc-
ing a much greater policy of control and pacification.

Grand Moffs are the supreme political and military
leaders over their sectors, given total autonomy to act
as they see fit, and provided tremendous technological
and resource support to accomplish their goals. The em-
peror personally appoints each Grand Moff
and they report only to
him. The Moffs and
governors who fall
under a Grand

Moffs jurisdiction have little choice but to accede to any
demands he makes, and they are often left dealing with
the aftermath of any policy action he undertakes.
Some of the more stout-hearted Moffs and other
leaders have attempted to point out that the debacle
of the Death Star, as well as the loss of the very cre-
ator of the Doctrine that led to the Grand Moff con-
cept, serve as evidence that perhaps the Grand Moffs
are given too much independence and resources. The
Emperor does not agree, and continues to provide
both in abundance to his chosen enforcers.


The traditional sectors—collections of systems united
by proximity, economy, and tradition—fall under the
command of the Imperial Moffs. Reporting to one of
Palpatine's advisors, a Moff has command of at least
a Sector Group in terms of military resources, and he
is responsible for all security and related issues.

Moffs are also responsible for the general produc-
tivity of their sectors, which is why most will focus
the majority of their attention on the wealthiest and
most resource-rich of the planets within their control.
Moffs commonly take on the direct governorship of
the most important (or most comfortable) of the plan-
ets within their sector, often dispatching top military
personnel to see to actual issues and investigations.


Although the vast majority of planets and systems
within the Empire are allowed to continue running
their affairs in mostly the same fashion as they did
under the Republic. The implementation of gover-
nors ensures that Imperial policy drives all decisions
and political activity. These governors are Imperial
agents, appointed by either Palpatine or his advi-
sors; their rule usually extends to all of the planets
within a single star system.

Nominally, each governor is in direct command of
all Imperial military forces garrisoned on and around
his planets. In reality, his leadership tends to be more
a matter of advice and direction; the Imperial Navy, in
particular, will generally ignore a governor in favor of its
own objectives, unless that governor enjoys the support
of the Moff who commands the sector.
Unless a planet's policies and culture run contrary
to Imperial doctrine, a governor will tend to maintain
an observe-and-advise posture with traditional leader-
ship. In the case where such leadership is in conflict
with the Emperor's wishes, however, anything from di-
plomacy to coercion might be employed to bring the
government more in line. In extreme cases, the gover-
nor will simply take over and rule directly, in the name
of the Empire.

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