Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1


The Commission for the Preservation of the New
Order, or COMPNOR, was built on the founda-
tion of a similar such political entity that existed
within the Republic. However, this organization
is decidedly committed to both the person
and the policies of Emperor Palpatine, and it
has become his personal machine of politica
power throughout the galaxy.
At first, COMPNOR seemed little more than
a social organization of primarily younger
and highly devoted followers of the Emperor.
Through the manipulations of wise advisors
like Crueya Vandron and Sate Pestage, Palpa-
tine was quickly able to transform COMPNOR
into a powerful force, one he could utilize in
many effective ways. By filling the ranks with ide-
ological enthusiasts and pandering to their hopes
and fears, the Emperor crafted a body politic truly
vast in size and scope. By enveloping key political, mili-
tary, and economic leaders into the elitist Select Com-
mittee, he gathered the most powerful and influentia
people in the galaxy directly into his service.

For every battle the Imperial Military has won,
COMPNOR has won countless others through dip-
lomatic, bureaucratic, and economic manipulation.
There is not a Moff or military officer who doesn't
have to consider COMPNOR with every decision he
makes or plan he puts into action.
The complexity of the organization is tremen-
dous, but a few key factions within COMPNOR de-
mand some attention for anyone negotiating his way
through Imperial space.


Comprised of the idealistic youth driven to serve
Emperor Palpatine's grand vision, CompForce is the
military arm of COMPNOR. It provides both frontline
Assault troops for direct combat against the Rebel
Alliance and other enemies, and Observation volun-
teers who seek to learn the intricacies of the Imperial
Military before formally pursuing an officer's career or
some other key role in COMPNOR.

In truth, Observ personnel mostly serve to en-
sure absolute loyalty among the career officers of
the Army and the Navy. While many are ambitious
to a fault, most are truly sincere in their efforts
to encourage utter loyalty and service to the New
Order. Not surprisingly, the interference of an Ob-
serv operative has led to more than one shortened
military career, often followed by an otherwise
highly trained and capable military man seeking
his fortunes in the Outer Rim.

Meanwhile, CompForce Assault soldiers (of which
only around twelve percent even get past basic train-
ing) are simply insanely brave and mostly inept shock
troops, fed into extremely difficult combat situations
in order to preserve more valuable military assets.
However, as more and more of these exceedingly
loyal Assault troops gain experience through survival,
they become highly valuable soldiers that serve the
Select Committee and the Emperor above all others.


Direct rivals to Imperial Intelligence, the Imperial Se-
curity Bureau (ISB) is the Emperor's personal "secret
police" force. ISB command reports directly to the Se-
lect Committee and, through it, to the Emperor. Natu-
rally, this makes the ISB the most feared and hated
organization in the entire galaxy.
The ISB is tasked with gathering intelligence on all po-
tential threats and influences on Imperial doctrine, and
the organization is also granted full autonomy to seek
out and deal with such threats in any way necessary. This
makes the ISB one of the most likely foes of any group of
outlaws that operates in contradiction with Imperial law.
The ISB is vast in scope and well funded. While its
operatives may not be of quite the same caliber as
those of Imperial Intelligence, they are genuinely com-
mitted and enjoy a wealth of resources and backup as
they need it. The largest branch within the organiza-
tion is Surveillance, comprising thirty-five percent of
its personnel. Other branches include Investigations,
Internal Affairs, Re-Education, and Enforcement.

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