Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1
Possibly the most disturbing fact for anyone who
might find himself the subject of ISB ire is the cad-
re of stormtroopers that serve the Bureau directly.
As a general rule, they are even more fanatically
loyal and more critical in their thinking, making
them some of the most dangerous individuals to
wear the white armor.


While most of the elements of this culturally redefin-
ing arm of COMPNOR have little relevance to those
living and working in the fringes of galactic society,
there are two key groups with which anyone operating
outside of the law will need to concern himself. One is
the Justice division, which has direct control over the
Imperial Office of Criminal Investigations (IOCI). and
the other is the Commerce division.
Criminals most often find themselves up against the
IOCI. These law-enforcement specialists work with all
other elements of Imperial structure, including Imperial
Intelligence and the military, as well as other COMP-
NOR-administered factions. The IOCI also supervises
the Sector Rangers—independent and long-respected
providers of law and order in the farthest sectors of the
galaxy. As a general rule, IOCI agents don't tend to be
too zealous about Imperial doctrine, though this in no
way makes them lenient about enforcing the law.

Prior to the Battle of Yavin, the Commerce division
primarily concerned itself with expanding economic
development, especially in the less-developed sectors.
This led to achievements such as the formation of the
highly profitable Corporate Sector Authority. However,
following the destruction of the Death Star, Commerce's
focus shifted toward corporate espionage and related
activities. Commerce agents can now be found infiltrat-
ing many companies and financial operations, seeking
to turn the flow of credits and technology away from
the Rebellion. At the same time, these agents will gladly
shut down any enterprising group that seeks to avoid
giving the Empire its due.


Formed in the waning days of the Old Repub- m
lie, Imperial Intelligence enjoys the estab-
lished networks and assets of four older
agencies, all effectively combined un-
der the command and control of the
highly secretive Ubiqtorate. This
legacy serves the organization
well in terms of effectiveness
and institutional knowledge, yet
it also creates just enough suspi-
cion among Palpatine's highest
advisors to necessitate the exis-
tence of the ISB.

Despite this division of labor and resources (a
conflict that Imperial Intelligence comes out on
the short end of repeatedly), the agency does a
rather excellent job at serving the Empire in all
of its real needs. While the ISB focuses primarily
on political and internal threats, Imperial Intelli-
gence is more concerned with military and related
external threats. Even so, the crossover between
the two agencies creates difficulties time and time
again, which ultimately serves those in opposition
to the Empire.

The structure of Imperial Intelligence is complex
and detailed, probably an artifact of combining
four different organizations and integrating all of
their previous specialties into one whole. If any
fringe group should come under the scrutiny of
this organization, they are probably in for some
truly serious trouble. They will most likely find
themselves under the scrutiny of a system cell—
the nearly independent smaller units of agents
stationed all over the galaxy.

If the system cell determines the group to be a pos-
sible asset, the Bureau of Operations (simply known
as the Bureau in the ranks) may send one or more
Infiltration agents to find out more about what the
group is doing. If the cell isn't so impressed, its com-
mander may either decide to simply deal with the
group at his level, or request Assassination branch
agents to deal with them.
Should the group somehow prove to be resistant
to such methods, the Ubiqtorate may decide to call
upon its most elite branch of special agents, Adjust-
ments. These agents are the most efficient and ca-
pable troubleshooters the Empire can possibly call
upon; if a group of fringers warrants their attention,
the story has taken a truly dramatic turn.


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