Edge of the Empire Book

(Joyce) #1

local population. With their exceptional training
and unquestioning loyalty, stormtroopers can be
deployed independent of other military forces for
an extended period of time, often sweeping through
resistant forces even as the Army and Navy scram-
ble to catch up to them.

In the decades since the Clone Wars, the Empire
has recruited many non-clones into the ranks of
the Stormtroopers. Whether this is because the
original clone facilities were dismantled or de-
stroyed, the older Clone Troopers are dying of old
age and attrition, or some combination of both,
is unknown. However, training facilities on planets
such as Carida now induct human recruits into the
Stormtrooper Corps. There they go through in-
tense indoctrination and rigorous training to rec-
reate the skill and fanatical loyalty bred into the
original Clone Troopers' genes.


Although working hand-in-hand with the Imperial
Navy (even sporting uniforms that are hard for the
untrained eye to distinguish), Imperial Customs
is actually a separate agency with its own profile
and agenda. Primarily responsible for monitoring
imports and exports through Imperial space, as
well as seeing to it that all taxes and tariffs are
collected, the agency also interdicts suspected
smugglers, pirates, and other criminals acting
against the laws that protect the Empire's inter-
stellar commerce revenue.

The agency has its own fleet, made up primar-
ily of Imperial Customs corvettes. There are also
many space stations, such as the Golan III defense
platforms, located strategically throughout the
galaxy to monitor major hyperspace lanes. Most
Customs posts also enjoy strong support from
whatever Imperial Navy assets are local to them,
and there are usually stormtroopers immediately
available for enforcement operations.

Though the average spacer has call to generally
dislike the Customs agency, there are times when the
organization proves to be handy. Most search-and-
rescue operations for crippled and lost ships—more
and more considered a waste of time and resources
by the Navy—are taken on by Imperial Customs.
On the other hand, the Commerce branch of
COMPNOR has begun requisitioning Customs as-
sets and personnel in its never-ending effort to shut
down supplies and technological support for the
Rebellion. These actions have drawn the agency
further into the Galactic Civil War, something many
in the leadership of Customs find to be a poor use
of their resources.


For Player Characters, keeping out of the way of the
Empire is likely one of their highest priorities. The very
nature of most of their professions and activities puts
them at odds with the New Order. Even those who
might have good cause to seek employment from Im-
perial agents—such as Bounty Hunters—will likely want
to keep interactions to a minimum. The safest course
of action where the Empire is concerned is generally to
not be anywhere the Empire finds important, nor be
caught doing anything the Empire doesn't like.

Unfortunately, this isn't always easy. While storm-
troopers and uniformed soldiers can be seen coming
from kilometers away, other agents of the Empire are
not always so easy to spot. The bigger the potential
reward of any job is, the more likely an Imperial spy of
some kind may be in the mix somewhere.

Some of the ways a fringer group might find itself
crossing paths with the Empire include:

  • A planetary governor, or even a Moff, might hire
    the group for a clandestine operation intended to
    increase his wealth or power.

  • One or more of the group might have enough of a
    political past to be of interest to COMPNOR agents.

  • The group might come across a CompForce at-
    tack against a generally helpless community, or
    against allies that are ill-equipped to deal with
    such a brutal attack.

  • Any number of the group might well be the target
    of an ISB investigation, making them wanted for
    arrest, or at least questioning.

  • Perhaps someone in the group committed a
    crime, one that the IOCI has finally assigned de-
    tectives to. Worse, Sector Rangers might be as-
    signed to track down the group.

  • Legitimate or not, the group might be suspected
    of ties to the Rebellion, making it the target of
    Imperial Intelligence efforts.

  • With the wrong jump point at the wrong time, the
    group may well stumble across one of the Imperial
    Navy's many secret operations against the Alliance.

  • Almost every facility under direct control of the Em-
    pire is guarded by a contingent of stormtroopers.

  • Imperial Customs are going to be a constant
    thorn for any smuggler, or anyone flying through
    Imperial space without the proper identification
    signals, carrying things he doesn't want the Em-
    pire to know about.

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